Thyroid Ultrasound Showed Mild Thyroid Enlargement Overall. The Gland Is Inhomogeneous With Character Of Goiter. Suggestions?
Biopsy may be necessary to assess thyroid cells
Detailed Answer:
Thyroid nodules are fairly common, more so in women, and the majority (upto 95 %) are benign. If you do not have major risk factors for thyroid cancer such as past exposure to radiation to the neck area, a past history of thyroid cancer or a first degree relative with thyroid cancer, or suspicious looking nodules on ultrasound then the risk of these nodules being cancerous is low.
Given the size of the nodule on the left, I generally recommend a fine needle aspiration biopsy to look at the cells. Some people opt for surgery to have it removed all together to get a definitive answer after surgery when the specimen is analyzed in a lab, as to whether or not it is cancerous. This is because biopsy is not 100 % accurate. Others choose to monitor the growth of the nodule over time. Some people do not do anything about it as most are benign.
For more information on thyroid nodules, peruse this link: