Tingling In Leg, Dizziness, Sore Throat, Pain In Ear. What Is It?
It all started when I had very bad sore throat (mainly on the right side) with right ear ache and pain in right eye. I do not have sore throat anymore, but I still have pain in my right ear (mild pain) and headache.
Thank you for your query.
1. The only way your right throat, eye and left leg may be co-related is due to a neurological problem. You should get a Neurologist's opinion.
2. The tingling (Parasthesia) in the left leg may be due to various separate (from the throat and eye) reasons such as a peripheral neuropathy, nutritional deficiencies (IBS), spinal problems including sciatica and so on.
3. I am assuming that you do not have diabetes or hypertension.
4. You will need an ear examination since you have dizziness.
5. The diizzy and sick feeling may also be due to anemia (low Hemoglobin), thyroid problems, hyper acidity and acid reflux.
6. Your sore thraot may initially be treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and decongestant medication. Multi-vitamins and medicated gargles will help.
7. The eye must be examined and sinusitis ruled out.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.