Tiredness, Diarrhea, Headaches, Heaviness In Arms, Legs, Blood, Thyroid, Sugar, Cholesterol Tests Normal, Family History Of Celiac. Causes ?
Past 2 weeks I've been experiencing tiredness & exhaustion.
*extreme tiredness(wake up tired after 8 hours sleep)
*constant churning stomach with some diarrhea and some softer samples, smells terrible.
*headaches come and go during day and evening (don't stop me from falling asleep though)
*sensation of very heavy/dead legs,even if I haven't done much. My arms have a similar sensation and it's almost like pins and needles but it comes and goes. It's normally at its worst when i'm feeling tired/exhausted.
*today I've noticed that I've had to urinate about 7-8 times which is pretty abnormal for me.(this is new)
* Past 2 days I've woken up with quite a sore stomach that isn't 'unbearable',but is uncomfortable.
Today was best day for me in last week until 8pm(woke up at 1 pm after 9 hours sleep)and the weakness,tingling in legs and arms has started again.
*Healthy 26 year old male.
*regularly exercise and eat well.
*Got STD test done a month ago, but did not test for HIV.Not sure if I should I check for this? I had unprotected sex 10 weeks ago when i first met my girlfriend, although she is a healthy person and has no health issues- my stomach problems suggest it's something stomach related so I doubt it's HIV.
*got blood test a week ago and no abnormalities in thyroid or sugar or cholesterol levels, white blood cell count was healthy range so were potassium, sodium, iron levels & feel like my doctor would've told me to get HIV test if he noticed anything abnormal.
*important note: My mother has celiac quite severely and so does her brother (my uncle).
I am getting the blood results back next week regarding the Celiac tests but I'm very worried to wait another 5 days to get them. Should I get an HIV test too? The tiredness, headaches have me worried.
I'm worried I could have HIV but the stomach symptoms suggest celiac or something intestinal.
thanks so much for your help.
Thanks for posting your query.
The clinical scenario with negative lab results suggests the possibility of vitamin defeciencies - Vit B12 & Vit D which could be secondary to malabsorption. These aren't usually tested and may not produce any changes in the routine tests.
Since you have a family history of celiac disease and celiac disease is familial in many cases, it is the first possibility. In celiac disease, there is diffuse small bowel mucosal abnormalities which impairs absorption of nutrients.
However not everbody in the family develops celiac disease and these vitamin defeciencies can also be evident after a persistent diarrhoea. Hence it is better to wait for the blood tests before concluding anything.
For the time being, get tests for Vit B12, Vit D3, calcium, Phosphate and alkaline phosphatase in fasting state and stool routine examination. Avoid consuming milk & milk products and start the vitamin supplements.
HIV and AIDS can manifest in a myraid of ways and it is advisable to get yourself tested inview of the history of unprotected sexual contact.
I hope, I have answered your query. I will be available for follow up query if any.