Treatment For Bloated Stomach, No Appetite, Dry Heaves, Swelling Of Legs And Feet?
Thanks for your query.
Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have bloating of the stomach, loss of appetite, edema over feet and legs.
All above symptoms are suggestive of renal pathology.
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me to make comments on your problems.
1) Do you have any urinary problem ?
2) Since how log you have these symptoms ?
3) Are you taking any medications ?
4) Have you done any investigations especially renal function tests ?
Most probably you have renal paranchymal disease and needs to undergo following preliminary investigations.
1) Complete Haemogram.
2) Routine Urine test to find out level of proteinurea.
3) Blood Urea and serum Creatinine to asses kidney function
4) Ultrasound Scanning of the abdomen to find out status of both the kidneys.
Please consult qualified Nephrologist for detail clinical evaluation and further treatment.
Hope I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.
Considering your age and symptoms it is likely that you have problem of Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BPH). BPH is common at this age and at times is associated with renal problems.
Please get all the investigations which I have suggested earlier. You may also need to consult qualified Urologist to assess prostate enlargement.
Do not worry this can be cured completely with treatment.
Let me know if you need clarifications.
Thanks and Regards.
In view of this new update - cancer of the prostate in 2008 and radiotherapy, the possibility of recurrence of cancer of Prostate cannot be excluded. Therefore I also urge to repeat your serum PSA levels along with the investigations suggested earlier.
You need to consult qualified Urologist to assess the any relation between cancer prostate and present illness.
Let me know if you need clarifications.
Thanks and Regard