Trying To Conceive. Got Period After Mirena Iud Removal. Missing Period. HPT Negative. Pregnant?
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Since you have a regular 28 day cycle, it is highly unlikely that after negative urine and blood pregnancy tests, you are still pregnant.
Sometimes, turn to normal periods takes time after removal of a long lasting hormonal contraceptive, such as Mirena.
Also after removal, sometimes the immediate period and ovulation following the removal is unreliable.
To be sure, you should consult your health care provider about the absence of a normal period.
Apart from the immediate hormonal changes following Mirena, there could be causes like stress, anxiety, thyroid disturbances, polycystic ovaries, thickening of the lining of the uterus etc.
After Mirena removal, 8 out of 10 women are successful at conceiving within one year, as per statistics, so you should not worry, and take it easy, as you are only 22.
Take plenty of exercise, a nutritious diet, take folic acid supplements, maintain a healthy BMI , and do have regular intercourse, specially around your fertile days, that is Between day 10 to day 20 of your regular cycle, peaking around day 13,14 and 15, as that is when ovulation is most likely.
In case you fail to conceive after even 6 months to a year of unprotected intercourse, you should see a specialist for additional work up.
All the best and feel free to ask for further clarifications.
You would be able to predict your ovulatory days only once you resume your normal periods, which should be within a short while.
Otherwise, you need to take help of methods like testing the cervical mucus , ovulation detector kits which are easily available OTC, or follicular ultrasound monitoring, which is most reliable.