Trying To Lose Weight. Having More Red Meat. High Fat And Low Carbohydrates Diet Would Lose Weight? Guide
You are right in stating that high fat low carb diets are effective in weight loss. The premise of these diets is the following: carbohydrates cause the body to release insulin, insulin has other actions in addition to the reduction of blood sugar- it also prevents the break down of fat.
By reducing carbohydrates , there is a reduction in insulin secretion and therefore more fat is broken down.
In terms of gout there is an increase risk of an acute attack of gout with the diet especially if there is a previous history.
This can be reduced by picking the proteins consumed.
Eggs, tofu can be used freely.
The diet requires the use of other proteins as well, to reduce the chance of an attack your doctor can give you a prescription for allopurinol 300mg which would reduce uric acid levels. The use of copious water is also advised.
In addition you may want to follow the diet with the help of a bariatrican which is doctor that specialises in weight loss.
I hope this helps,feel free to ask any other questions
I got a couple of other medical queries a bit unrelated so I don't know if I have to start off again- anyway - I banged my toes several times and I have maybe three fungal toe nails. I rub turmeric on them hoping it'll cure them. I also got a bit of a hard crust on the rim just above my rt nipple. I put fresh turmeric on it and it's still yellow from the turmeric which is hopefully a sign that the turmeric is healing it as I put it on a freckle on my rt hand just maybe two or three times - I don't know if that was the reason or if it had been some good red wine I'd been drinking for a while but suddenly a couple of weeks ago while in the sun I noticed a little hole in my hand - the freckle had fallen off. I haven't any lumps in my breasts. I am reluctant to go for a mammogram as a colleague told me they really squeeze and then to confirm my doubts I read on the website where I came across this medical help that it could rupture a lesion and send more of the tumour cells through the blood. Unfortunately I limit my drinking to a friday night only so that's bad with the medication I take and with these hopefully benign cancer lesions I am getting as I got a short pain in my abdomen this morning. However it was cider I was drinking Friday though I had too much but it doesn't set off the gout but it's probably too acidic esp with the meds I take to counteract it. Thanks for telling me about the allopurinol -now I'm thinking maybe I did hear of it but he didn't want to prescribe it but maybe I could I just be put on it while I go on the high fat, low carb diet? Thanks again.
Yes you can start the allopurinol while you are using the diet and then it can be discontinued after or sometimes during the course of the diet if the uric acid levels remain low.
Fungal infections on the skin can respond to topical creams and ointments but whenever there is a fungal infection of the finger nails, toe nails or scalp oral medication must be used in addition to anything that you apply.
To cure the fungal nails you would oral medication such as lamisil, sporanox or griseofulvin. For toe nail infections the medication has to be used for 6 weeks to 3 mths.
You are right in that mammograms are painful because they do squeeze the breasts but after age 50 yr , it is recommended that you have them done each year.
In terms of distributing the tumor , this is not a complication. the main complication is that if the persons starts mammogram early in 40's they may be exposed to excess radiation from the mammogramm itself but they will diagnose a tumor not spread it.
Please feel free to ask anything else
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