Tubectomy Operation Done. Started Feeling Sweaty. Thyroid Hormone Test Done. Suggest A Solution
My mother (age: around 40 years) has undergone tubectomy operation around 3years before and it was success. From then onwards she is feeling more sweaty (Perspiration) even the weather being normal. This problem became more worsen since around two months.
She has gone for normal checkup which also includes thyroid hormone level test. The results showed all normal.
The doctor told that there might be some problem has encountered during the tubectomy operation.
She has undergone a course of drug treatment with following: (and found no improvement)
• Betcap Tr.40 (propanolol hydrochloride)
• Lonazep 0.5
• Menopace tablets
• Prothiaden 25
Some other drugs also(I couldn’t able to XXXXXXX the prescription properly. I have the photos of prescription in JPEG image (.jpg) format even now. )
Please suggest a solution.
My mother usually feels as a burden to take tablets or capsules. Please keep this point also in your mind while suggesting a solution.
Thanking you madam / sir.
Thanks for writing in.
Your mother is approaching menopause because of which she is experiencing perspiration even in normal weather.
This perspiration is not related to previous surgeries.
During menopause, as oestrogen and progesterone levels come down; woman starts experiencing hot flushes, palpitations, night sweats, sleeping problem, forgetfulness.
I would recommend that somebody at home should tell your mother that it is natural process, be patient and face it.
Tab Menopace, Tab Lonazep 0.5, Prothiaden 25, and betacap will help her to deal with symptoms.
No need of other medicines. As thyroid test is normal , no need to worry about hyperthyroidism.
Ask her to exercise regularly for at least 30 min a day. Most effective at this age is meditation and yoga.
Let her have lots of fluid in a day to keep toxins away from body and maintaining hydration.
I hope I have answered your query. In case of doubt, I shall be happy to help you.
Best regards,
Dr. Neelam.
but i couldn't believe...
if it is a natural phenomenon, why couldn't the previous doctor told about that.
You are welcome.
Even previous doctor I guess had recognized; thats why doctor prescribed Tab Menopace.
Only communication was not proper.
Do not worry, Your mother will be alright after she reaches menopause. But she need to start calcium supplement as calcium deficiency is common after menopause.
I hope this information helps.
Best regards,
Dr. Neelam.