Unable To Conceive, Blood Tests, Semen Test Normal, PT/INR Elevated, Clotting Disorder. Reason For Implantation Failure ?
I am female, 32 yrs old, trying to have a baby since 2 years. My blood tests are coming back normal (my husband is fine, too). Only one result is slightly abnormal: PT/INR came back 1.28 (norm in my clinic is 0.85 - 1.15).
My fertility doctor send me to a hematologist, who tested for several disorders, I am awaiting the results in 2 weeks. As I am quite impatient, I wanted to ask, if there is anything about a prolonged blood clotting time, which could point to an issue where conception/ implantation fails?
thanks for your time! XXXXXXX
Your question is a very good one and I will work on providing you with some good information and recommendations regarding what is going on.
You have indicated in your question that you have a slightly prolonged prothrombin time. This blood test can sometimes indicate a mild clotting disorder which could be related to problems with pregnancy or conception.
At the same time we must consider the fact that also this blood test may be slightly abnormal in individuals who do not have any type of disorder.
Right now it would be premature to worry about any disorders until the blood tests come back. In any case your hematologist and obstetrician can work together to put together a remedy if there is in fact some type of clotting disorder going on.
Let me again reassure you that your hematologist will get to the bottom of the concern and provide you with adequate information regarding your blood test. At the same time I am sure that eventually you will achieve what you are searching for which is conception and pregnancy.
Thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you found my response to be helpful reassuring and informative. If you have any additional or specific concerns please do not hesitate to ask and I will get back to you.
Dr. Robert