Unprotected Oral Sex, Headache, Fever, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Neck Sore. Is There A Chance Of HIV?
An HIV infected person is HIV negative during window period, thus can transmit the disease. But as you don't have rash, sore throat and other signs, thus just on the basis of fever, headache and swollen lymph nodes in posterior neck, you cannot be diagnosed as suffering with acute HIV syndrome.
Your headache seems to be due to fever. In my opinion, you should get F.N.A.C.(Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) of swollen lymph nodes in your posterior neck, C.B.C., E.S.R., & test for HIV done and consult a physician to examine you thoroughly & for further tests and treatment accordingly.
Hope you will be satisfied with the answer. If you have any further query, I am available, but if you don't require further clarification, please close the discussion by accepting the answer. Thanks,
Wish you speedy recovery,