Unusual Bleeding Between Two Period Cycles, Recurring BV. What Could Be The Reason?
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Any unusual bleeding requires prompt evaluation.
First you have to confirm that it is only from Vagina and not from urethra or rectum.
If it is from vagina only, then is it vaginal, from cervix or from Uterus?
A careful examination by your Gynecologist is best way to find out source of bleeding. This examination can be done while you are bleeding, thus don't delay it.
As you are suffering with recurring BV also, examination will help to determine cause of recurrence and type of infection. Infection itself can cause bleeding.
On the basis of examination, she can advice you relevant investigations.
Thus, please get yourself examined by a Gynecologist at your earliest.
If you have further query, please feel free to ask.
With good wishes
Welcome again,
Though it seems like a bleeding due to menstrual period, but it is intermenstrual (Metrorrhagia), which was not due.
Though it is not necessarily pathological, but requires examination to rule out other causes.
Bleeding due to period occurs on 14th day after ovulation. If due to hormonal imbalance ovulation has taken place about 14 days earlier this time, then period will also appear 14 days earlier. It can be due to withdrawal of contraceptive, if you were taking.
As your menstrual cycles were regular so far, and this is the first time you are having inter menstrual bleeding, please get examined.
If you have further query, please ask.
With good wishes,
I have not taken the contraceptive pill for about 15 years due to a history of blood clots in my family. I am not currently on any contraception.
For all intents and purposes it seems like a normal period so far just incredibly early for me.
I will book an appointment to see my GP tomorrow but i didn't want to waste their time if it was nothing.
I guess i am more worried due to my Mum's history.
Should I ask my GP to refer me to a Gynaecologist? or should i ask for some tests first? I am a private patient so it doesn't make much difference.
Welcome again,
In my opinion minimum tests required by you are Pap smear, Culture & sensitivity of vaginal swab and B.sugar(F & PP).
Pap smear is required to screen put cervical cancer.
Culture & Sensitivity of vaginal swab will help you to identify bacteria causing BV and effective antibiotics to treat it.
Increased blood sugar level decrease body resistance, thus estimation of blood sugar is also required.
You can get these tests done through your GP and if report of Pap smear comes abnormal, can refer you to Gynecologist for colposcopy.
If duration of bleeding exceeds your normal period, you should consult Gynecologist positively.
Hope, you will be satisfied with answer. If you have further query, please feel free to ask. If you don't require further clarification, can accept the answer and rate it.
Thank you,
With good wishes,