Upper Back Pain, Buttocks Pain. Ultrasound Showed Follicular Cysts. Any Chance It Is Something Other Than Cancer?
This morning, after a sleepless night with anxiety and sweating, I had a normal bm. An hour later, I felt the need to rush to toilet and had very yellow stool with mucous and food in it. Next bm was pure whitish mucous.
I am petrified!! My family doc mentioned inflammatory bowel, colitis, but I'm so scared I have cancer. My foc wants to set me up with GI Monday...but I cannot overcome my anxiety. Any chance it's something other than cancer? I can't eat..and am trying to breastfeed. I lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks :( any info would be helpful.
First of all, you are only 32 years young. Unless there
is a very strong history of colon cancer before the age
of 40 , in siblings or parents, the chances of cancer
are extremely rare. Presence of fresh blood mixed with
stool after straining indicates either a small tear or fissure
around the anal canal or small irritated hemorrhoids.
You tell us that you had the baby only four months ago.
Hemorrhoid problem is quite common especially during
the late stages of pregnancy.
Yellow stool with mucus and food suggests a little Irritable
bowel .I have a strong suspicion the whitish mucus may
be related to the hemorrhoids.
I am glad that you will be seeing a GI specialist who I am
sure put your concerns to rest and give you peace of mind,
Wish you good health.
And as for mucous, that's all I've passed today are small amounts of mucous when I try to have a bm. Then again, there's probably no food in my system :(
Yellow color scares me as well...could it be bile or pancreas related? As you can see, my mind is spinning towards the worst.
Could stress aggravate my symptoms?
Thank you again for your reassuring response.
I really must ask you to take some XXXXXXX cleansing breaths
and relax I can understand your situation and relate to
it very well.My dauughter had a baby girl 4 months ago and
She just went back to work 2 weeks ago.She lives in N.Y.City!
I know how stressful that is! Color of the stool can vary with
the type of food we eat or drink. I am sure you have seen the
yellow color of your baby.Especially, if you are eating properly
your body still makes bile daily and that can give yellow color.
Mucus is protective for the lining of the colon.
I am sure your tests will come out fine.
Wish you well.
I visited GI doc and he chalked my symptoms up to irritable bowel. He did blood tests, which I assume were ok because they only call with abnormal results.
My symptoms come and go, and most stools are pretty normal with occasional mucous present. I follow up again in a week, but he didn't seem to concerned. He didn't feel that colonoscopy was necessarily warranted.
However, I have had increased back pain the past few days. It's a dull pain that is in mid-low back. It's a tense squeezing feeling that is worse when I arch my back. I am still very concerned because I feel it could be visceral pain. Do you have any advice or suggestions? This is starting to consume me. Could anxiety cause this much muscle tension/pain?
I am really glad that the GI-Doc has reassured you that
you don't have a serious problem. Remember, you have to deal
with a four month old baby ! Arms and back do get a good work out.
I fully agree with you that stress can do all kinds of things !
Try to really relax with nice long warm baths in a bath tub, good
soothing music or a good book.
Now that all your blood work was O.K. I am not worried.
Wish you well.