Urine Analysis Showed High Red Blood Cells, High White Cell, Glucose And Tntc Mucus. What Does Tntc Mean?
Thank you for the query.
TNTC means simply "too numerous to count".
Your urine analysis tells that you probably suffer from urinary tract stones. The difference in symptoms between uti and stones is that when there are stones present the pain starts suddenly. If it is only uti the pain starts rather gradually. Moreover stones related pain very often radiates to one side back. Uti pain is more often localized in the bottom of abdomen. Frequent urinating and burning when urinating is also characteristic for both.
Ciprofloxacine is a very good antibiotic for uti. You should also drink more water to flush out all bacterias. Your symptoms should go away in a couple of days.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.