VDRL. Penicillin Treatment Has To Be Taken. For How Many Days The Treatment Lasts?
I shall make an effort to provide you with good professional recommendations specific to your questions.
Looks like your recent 2 VDRL reports in two different laboratories have shown contradiction in reporting. I can also understand your intention to get treated based on your initial VDRL report which you quote as being "1:2" and being positive.
VDRL test detects the antibodies of our own in the blood in response to Treponema organism causing Syphilis. But, this test is not so accurate as many other microbes also can cause antibody development, so a + test would not actually mean you "certainly" have syphilis.
Next, there are better tests like RPR and FTS-ABS tests that are proven to be more accurate than VDRL. But, you doctor is the one who needs to gauge the need of you taking to these tests.
The Pencillin drug therapy is certainly used in course for syphilis, but I am afraid I cannot e-prescribe this drug for you as per terms and conditions. For this, you would need a consultation to get examined and also the reports whatever are necessary on top of those done in the Middle-East, to start the right therapy.
I am sure you understand the implications of my advice as above for your own good. And all this will be in the books when time comes for your certificate of fitness for your work.
Let me know if I have missed out any other concern in your question.
Yet again, I duly appreciate your query to me, I do hope that you have found something useful to help you and I shall be glad to answer any further apprehensions.
Dr Sujeet N Charugulla,
Consultant Physician.