Vomiting, Back Pain, Frequent Urination And Sore Kidneys. Cramping Pain After Taking Antibiotics. Is It A Kidney Infection?
Thanks for the query.
It looks like you are still suffering from a cystitis that is infection of the urinary bladder. This infection is causing you to urinate more frequently and also have the lower abdominal pain.
Please follow these advises.
1. Drink plenty of water, minimum of 4 litres a day.
2. Drink cranberry juice. This will help reduce the pain.
3. Urinate after intercourse and also follow general personal hygiene.
4. You will have to XXXXXXX a physician for a pelvic scan and also urine routine and culture. You will need another course of antibiotics which is to be taken for a minimum of 15 days.
5. It is not unusual to develop cystitis in a person with a pyelonephritis (infection of the kidney), and it also more common in women because of a small urethra.
Please do not ignore your symptoms as this might lead to complications like re infection of the kidneys and in worse cases failure of the kidney.
I hope I have answered your query, please accept my answer if there are no further queries.
I wish you a speedy recovery.