Wart On The Neck, Dull Skin, Gastric Problems, Constipation. Treatment?
Thank you for posting the query,
I'll try to answer your question step by step.
As you mentioned that you have warts on the neck. I would like to convey that usually neck is not a common site for warts, and probably you have skin tags over the neck. The wart is rough or warty to touch, while a skin tag is soft and pedunculated.
The best way to get rid off this is getting a electro-cautry done from a Dermatologist.
The exact definition of premature graying of hair is that when one gets graying of hair before 20 years of age. Beyond this, if one gets graying, then it is regarded as chronological and normal. In spite of this, one can take Calcium pantothenate for this, which is the only medicine for this condition. Apart from this one should keep his diet balanced with high protein content.
You need to specify what you mean by dull skin. What I take from this is that you have probably a dehydrated skin with no glow. For this I would like to give you following tips:
1) Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water.
2) Take proper 7 hours of sleep in the night.
3) Don't exert your self and take proper rest.
4) Use a good sun screen daily at least three times a day.
5) Daily exercise.
6) Good cleansing, toning and moisturizing of skin is a must.
7) Get a chemical peel done from Dermatologist, this would give a glow to the skin.
8) Few sessions of Microdermabrassion at regular intervals would also help.
9) Also check your thyroid status and haemoglobin level, which is responsible for dull and dry skin.
As far as your gastric problem is concerned, you need to specify your problem and consult a Gastroenterologist who would be a better person to deal with it. For taking care of constipation you can follow these tips :
1) Drink plenty of water.
2) Kindly maintain a strict timing for your bowel habits.
3) Eat fibrous foods daily.
4) Eat fresh fruits.
5) Avoid fast foods.
6) Avoid tea & coffee.
7) Regular intake of Isabgul does help.
Since you are planning to conceive, I would suggest that you avoid taking any oral medications while you are pregnant (except what your doctor prescribes you).
For the above procedure mentioned for your skin, please consult a good Dermatologist who has relevant facilities available.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you found my response to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr.Bharat chawda