What Are Proactive Steps For Preventing Acne Issues?
Thanks for writing to us.
To maintain acne prone skin, you may follow these steps
Use a salicylic acid based face wash( neutrogena or saslic)
Use an alcohol free toner in summers
Use water based moisturiser and sun screen meant for acne prone skin( acne moist moisturiser and suncote sunscreen)
Do not scrub or exfoliate skin too much. Once a week steaming,exfoliation followed by any cool home based mask application is okay
Get your comedones extracted regularly
Apply clindamycin A gel twice over acne lesions and adapalene gel in night over acne lesions. If not having any active acne, make it a point to use adapalene gel in night over acne and comedone prone areas of face to prevent occurrence of acne
Do not take facial massages as these induce acne. If required then may occasionally take gel based massage
Sometimes if Acne flares up a course of azithromycin might be required.
Hope that answers your query. Should there be any other query, feel free to write back.
Take care