What Are The Chances Of HIV Transmission Through Non Penetrative Sex?
Is the vulva less of a transmitter of HI Virus than the Vagina? (ie is there less risk with external contact of penis and vulva, than in penetrative sex?)
Is a massage oil a better or worse 'transport medium' of the HI Virus? (ie, does oil form something of a protective barrier or limit abrasion, or is it a better transmitter of the virus between vulva and penis?)
Less chances of HIV transmission
Detailed Answer:
I can understand your concern.
For your first question I would like say that, yes with external contact there is less chances of HIV transmission as compared to deeper penetration.
For your second question I would like to inform you that ,there is as such no study that has conclusively stated about transmission of virus through oil. But as we know it's body secretion that contains these viruses so can conclude that there may be relatively less chances of transmission of viruses through oil as this will dilute the secretion and form a protective layer over skin.Apart from this this will also prevent minor abrasion also.
Hope this will help .
If you have any other concerns please feel free to message me .