What Are The Chances Of HIV Transmission Through Oral Sex?

Hi Doctor,
Thanks for your time. Please help me out. Here is the timeline for the events:
25 Saturday August - deep open mouth tongue kissing for a minute. And then, for less than a minute the girl performed oral on my penis (it was short and brief). Then, I suck her breast nipples (very quick) for less than a minute.
27 Monday August - I felt burning in my bottom lip inside my mouth. I was not able to eat for next 4 days. My bottom lip was red - felt like cold sores. No medication taken for 4 days.
28 Friday August - I go see a nurse practitioner. She gave me 4 tablets of valacylovir and I felt good after 3 days and cold sore were gone after eating valacylovir.
On 4 August - on 10th day after exposure, I ordered a Std test. HIV 4th generation 1/2 antigen/antibody with reflexes, hep b/c, hsv2, chlymadia, gonorrhea, all came back negative. Only hsv1 came positive.
On 7th August - During all of this, my right eye was red. I go see an optometrist and he gave me viral eye drops for my eye and I started taking 3 tabs acyclovir a day for 7 days because I see under my tongue another cold sore/- no improvements in mouth. But, no pain.
On 11th August - I go see a MD eye doctor. According to her, I have conjunctivitis/pink eye. I stayed on Acyclovir and started putting ofloxacin eye drops. Eye is doing very well now.
On the 13 August - I ordered a HIV 1 RNA test after 18 days of exposure and It came back negative.
On 14 August - I did go see a General Physician doctor and she said, it looks like canker sore. No change in medicine.
On 20th August - I go see old GP again because my sores/canker sore not getting better at all. I'm back on valacylovir from last 4 days and 6 more days I have to take valacylovir - it's working good. According to doctor, I was diagnosed with Herpetic gingivostomatitis.
It has been a month now and I'm still having cold sores( not sure what is) inside my mouth. Yes, sores are clearing up after valacylovir.
1. How accurate will be hiv rna test take after 18 days?
2. In beginning, cold sores appeared very red and wet. Not sure are these cold sores or canker sores? What is going on with my mouth?
3. What tests would you recommend me again? I want to close this chapter ASAP. As 4 weeks have passed, I'm thinking to get tested for Hep C RNA or any other liver test?, hep b/a, 4th generation HIV 1/2 antigen/antibody, HIV 1RNA, sphyllis, chlymadia, Gonorrehea.
4. Any other suggestions? I'm too worried. Did I get any STD?
Can you please me out?
Thanks for your time doctor.
HCV and HIV antibody test can be repeated after 12 weeks
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HCM.
Thanks for posting your query.
Oral sex carries a low risk for HIV/STD. Kissing and breast sucking have negligible risk as per CDC, XXXXXXX
HSV 1 infection can mostly be transmitted through non sexual route.
Dates mentioned by you are more confusing. August 27 and 28 yet to come.
(I think you mean JULY 27, 28)
1. HIV 1 RNA test is of two types - qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative is more diagnostic, quantitative is to assess the progress of the disease-prognostic. This can detect HIV 1 infection as early as 1 week, but more conclusive by 3-4 weeks.
2. Both are self limiting and you will get well soon.
3.By 4 weeks these tests will be more reliable and conclusive. But HIV 1 can be ruled out by these tests. These tests not rule out HIV 2 which is a rare possibility and can be ruled out by ELISA or Rapid test by 12 weeks after the risk contact.
4.Your symptoms are due to kissing and close intimacy causing some non specific and non STD infection and nothing else.
Get well soon.
Dr S.Murugan

1. Is there any early detection test for HEP b/c which I can take at 30 days post exposure? May be a liver test?
2. Is there any early detection test for HIV 2? Which I can take 30 days post exposure?
3. On 10th day after exposure, I received Negative result on fourth generation HIV 1/2 Antigen/Antibody with reflexes. Can this result be considered good? How soon antigens are detectable? And, I heard the window period for fourth generation is 4 weeks?
4. On 19th day after exposure, I got tested Negative result on HIV 1 RNA Qualitative TMA. Can this result be considered good? Can I say this result is like 95-99% accurate and sensitive? As this result is almost close to 3 weeks?
5. Doctor, so far, according to nurse practitioner and GP, they are calling it cold sores, canker sore, Herpetic Gigantistomatis etc everything inside my mouth/cheeks/gums. I'm really worried about what exactly it is? Will I be ok soon? Please help.
6. During all these HIV/std testing, I was on acyclovir and valacylovir. Do these antivirals impact/effect test results?
7. At this point, do I really need std/HIV testing, based on your previous answer, seems like all these symptoms will go away on its own? Am I correct? I shouldn't be worried about them at all as this was a low/negligible risk incident?
8. After 31 days post exposure, I'm planning to take another HIV 1 RNA qualitative and 4th generation HIV 1/2 antigen/antibody combo? Would that be ok to take these two tests?
10. Based on blood test taken at 10th day post exposure, negative IGg HSV 2; and positive IGg HSV1 test. After a month, no symptoms in my genital area, should I be worried about HSV2 in this incident? Or do you see any other possibilities of STDs which I have caught from this incident?
11. From last month, oral hygiene/eating habits/exercising was not that good. So, I saw tongue colored bumps on side of my tongue and tongue started to turn white. My GP gave me an oral solution to rinse with for next 10 days. So far, it has not increased, but stayed as is. I assume it's all because of yeast infection? Any recommendations doctor?
12. Please recommend if any other testing needed including STD/or regular blood test.
13. Doctor, today I went to see my GP after taking 2tabs/day of 1gm Valacylovir from last 10 days. My GP offered if I want to Infectious disease doctor, then I replied - probably the doctor will do the same treatment. Do I really need to see Infectious disease doctor? My GP recommended I should stay on valacylovir for another 20-30 days may be 1 tablet a day as the outbreak is severe and changing places inside my mouth. Please comment.
Again, thanks for your time and help!
Don't think of odd possibilities and get confused yourself.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
1. There are tests based on molecular technology including PCR to detect HEPATITIS B/C by 4 weeks.
2 There are specific HIV 2 RNA PCR test available with certain bigger labs on request.
3. HIV 1 antigen can be detected as early as a week after the possible infection, but more conclusive by 4 weeks. The same holds good with 4th generation test also.
4. You can rely HIV RNA Qualitative test on 19th day up to 95%.
5.Cold sore and herpes gingivostomatitis both are caused by Herpes simplex virus and cure fastened by acyclovir tablets. Canker sores also will heal by 2 weeks duration usually.
6. Acyclovir or valcyclovir would not interrupt the HIV results.
7. A negative HIV test after the window period will relieve your mental agony definitely. So having a HIV test is good for you. Otherwise you will attribute every small things to HIV.
8. HIV 1 RNA test and 4th generation test, having both tests are unnecessary, instead you can go for HIV 1 and HIV 2 RNA PCR Qualitative separately on the 31 day after the sexual encounter.
9.Some of the STD panel test are more reliable only after 4 weeks.
10. Yeast infection is easily identified by your physician easily and the poor hygiene is not the only cause for yeast infection of the mouth. Follow the guidelines of your physician.
11. Test for Syphilis (VDRL) can be included.
12. By his experience, an ID Specialist can extend a definite diagnosis for your mouth problem and also can interpret your test results in a better way and guide you further. So it is better to consult a Infectious test specialist.
Dr S.Murugan

1. By the time, I order these PCR tests, it will be like 45 days post exposure. Will that be ok?
2. I'm thinking to get a Swab test of my mouth or ulcers/herpes etc? Do you think it's a good idea because herpe outbreak doesn't last that long. From last 23 days I'm on antiviral, might impact results?
3. Just a random question, do you see any probability that I might have caught oral hsv2? Even if the girl have it in this kissing and oral incident? I know symptoms all are inside mouth.
4. It has been 35 days, do you think it can be other virus/bacteria?
5. As you had mentioned, canker sores will heal by two week; one goes away and another one comes up at new location. Yes, I'm on valacylovir for next 30 days. Seems like it's a mystery? Please comment. I know it's hard to tell without looking.
6. If I take HSV 1/2 test again, will this valacylovir interfere with test results?
7. Based on blood test taken at 10th day post exposure, negative IGg HSV 2; and positive IGg for HSV1 test with >5. This high index value might be from old encounter may be? After a month, no symptoms in my genital area, should I be worried about HSV2 in this incident? Or do you see any other possibility of hsv2 oral or genital if I would have caught?
8. Doctor, what are your recommendations about swab test of my mouth/ulcers? Please recommend or share your opinion. Plz
9. Doctor, it has been 35 days and I'm having these canker sore/ulcers etc. Sounds fishy to me? Please comment.
10. As you had mentioned, cold sores/Gigantistomatis caused by hsv. I assume it's caused by hsv type 1? Ami I correct?
11. Let's assume, the girl I deep kissed(for a minute/she performed oral on my penis(less than a minute) have oral hsv2. What are my chances of contracting oral hsv2 or genital hsv2? So far, no genital symptoms.
12. Can hsv1 and hsv 2 be present at one site at the same time?
Please help, doctor. I'm too stressed.
Possibility of HSV 1 or cancker sore is there.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
1. PCR by 45 days is more than ideal and reliable.
2. Taking a Throat swab has to be decided by your treating doctor.
3. Oral HSV 2 is unlikely. HSV 1 is likely to get transmitted through kissing
4. Possible. Your clinical examination and investigation will give a clue for the diagnosis
5. Canker sore is likely to occur in crops. one is healing while new lesion occurs.
6. Valacyclovir would likely be to delay the appearance of antibodies against HSV.
7. Presence of Ig G indicates old infection only. I don't expect a new HSV 2 infection
8. Swab test to see giant epithelial cell in case of HSV and a smear and culture test to rule out bacterial infection as per the guidance of your physician.
9. In some people cancker sore may persist for longer than 2 weeks.
10. Most probably due to HSV 1.
11. Unlikely to have HSV 2 over mouth.
12. It is difficult to differentiate and I didn't come across such situation.
Get well soon.
Dr S.Murugan

1. I did go see Infectious diseases specialist and he said it looks canker sore only. He ordered some test related to immune system, liver. He said there might be a chance where I'm not responding to these drugs, we might have to go above the ladder. Again stressed, will I be ok doctor?
2. On 36th day after exposure, I got tested and got negative results on - 4th generation hiv1/2 antigen/antibody combo, chlymadia, Gonorrehea, syphills, hep b, hep c. What results will you call conclusive? As I got tested after 5 weeks.
3. To further add, 19th day - negative HIV 1 RNA test. Will this test count?
4. As per your comment HSV 1 being an old infection. I'm assuming most people start producing IGG antibodies after 2 weeks post exposure?
5. As you had said, acyclovir heels sores faster, in my case, I took about 40 tabs of 800mg, but it just kept things calm inside my mouth. But 1000 mg works good for me. Any recommendations?
6. Doctor, will I be ok? It started to appear again the sores, just now I saw. It's too painful. It's been over 38 days. I'm stressed - can't eat/sleep/drink.
7. Doctor as per your experience, can cold sores etc can occur only inside mouth, like mine?
8. Based on my opinion, seems like I think of complex odd scenarios and try to confuse myself. Doctor should I consult a psychologist? If yes/no. Why? Please share your opinion, doctor.
Thanks doctor! You are awesome!
ID specialist did say - it is hsv - herpe Gigantistomatis.
Cold sores stay and then go after 7-10 days. But in my case, it's on/off. Seems like my body immunity is not working properly. Doctor? - based on so far results, do u think, I'm out of trouble? Please answer. Will be ok?
Your mouth problem will settle fast with the advice of ID specialist
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Once again don't imagine things. Your doctor will take care of your health and follow his advice.
1 Cancker sores may appear in crops and heal after 2-3 weeks.
2. Antigen part of the 4th generation test along with STD panel were conclusive.
3.When the 4th generation COMBO test by 36 days had ruled out HIV 1, then you need not bother about the sensitivity of HIV 1 RNA test results done on 19th day.
4. Ig g antibodies appear in the body around 4 weeks after the infection.
5. Acyclovir can be given in the dose of 800 mg whereas valcyclovir in the dose of 1 gm twice daily.
6.You will be alright soon.
7. Cold sore also can occur sometimes only inside the mouth.
8.It is better to have a psychiatric counselling also along with the treatment for your mouth problem.
It is sometimes very difficult to differentiate between cancker sores and Herpes infection occurring inside the mouth alone.
Sometimes cold sores can persist up to 2 weeks.
Your problem are temporary and minor as you had only kissing and breast sucking and received oral (all are very low risk for HIV/STD) and you will be alright soon.
Dr S. Murugan

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