What Are The Chances Of STD After Oral Sex?
4 days ago (13 days after the incident), I did a 8 panel STD test. Everything came back negative.
What could this be? I am very concerned and panicked about herpes (I know two weeks post incident may be too soon for the test. So I don't trust that it was negative). Also, the 8 panel test did not test for "trich" which I am also scared about.
**I was very concerned about Chlamydia so I was constantly squeezing my penis looking for discharge. I don't know if that could have contributed to this or not.
Suspicion of STI arises
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to health care magic.
I have gone through your query and I understand your concern regarding acquiring a sexually transmitted infection due to the recent exposure you have had.
Based on the details you have mentioned in your query there are chances of sexually transmitted infection.
Genital herpes occurs as grouped vesicles which are fluid filled and is associated with urethritis.
I do not suspect herpes in your case.
However, trichomoniasis can be suspected.
Trichomonas infection presents with foul smelling discharge and inflammation.
This can be ruled out by microscopy of discharge.
Chlamydial infection can be ruled out by serological tests like IgM and IgG.
I suggest you undergo the above mentioned tests to rule out suspected STI.
I also want you to confirm your HIV status as you have had a high risk exposure.
I hope I have helped clear your doubts.
Please get back if any more queries.
Maintain personal hygiene and antibiotics
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
You have tested negative for gonorrhea and chlamydia but your symptoms are suggestive of urethritis.
The best treatment for non gonococcal urethritis is doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days.
Also I suggest maintenance of personal hygiene by keep the genital area clean and dry.
Water intake of at least 3-4 liters per day is indicated which will help flush out the infective pathogens from the urinary tract.
I advice you to get your HIV status tested as yours was a high risk exposure.
I hope I have helped.