What Are The Chances Of STD Through Oral Sex?
My other concern is my girl friend recently has had painful urination and has itch red bumps behind one of her knees. I try to always be safe when I am with others and have always thought that oral sex without condom was basically safe sex. On your site many doctors advise against any testing without obvious signs.
Low risk of STD.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for query. I am Dr Bharatesh D Basti answering your query.
it is good that you are following safe protected sex when with multiple partners.
Normal vaginal unprotected intercourse has 1 in 200 to 1 in 1000 chances of HIV transmission.Oral sex has lesser chances of transmitting STDs especially HIV.So you can allay the fears as long as no active lesions or ulcers or abrasions are present in either of the partners.
But herpes can be transmitted with this route if any active lesions are present sometimes even with asymptomatic disease.You would have manifested herpes by now if exposed.
The symptoms of girl friend is not specific of any STDs.Let her get examined by doctor as it is incomplete history and symptoms.
You can get back to me for any clarifications.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh
Most unlikey to develop.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
The incubation period for gonorrhea varies from 1 to 14 days may be until 3 months rarely.and for chlamydia is 2-3 weeks maximum until 5 weeks.
It is most unlikely for you to develop any disease with the mode described and you have crossed the usual incubation period of disease
You can get back to me for any clarifications else please close the discussion and rate.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh
Need not worry.test your partner.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
You need not worry and have to be safe always against STDs.
You can get your partner tested for symptoms for diagnosis.You can be free of the disease anxiety also and make your partner symptoms free.
As you have no symptoms there is no need of tests until you develop symptoms or the partner is diagnosed with any of STDs.
Yes nitrate test helps in diagnosing Gonorrhea.Leukocytes also tells about the presence of infection and it is nonspecific.
You can get back to me for any clarifications else please close the discussion and rate.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh