What Are The Chances Of Conceiving When Having PCOD?
you may get pregnant ...
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query to HCM,
As your LMP was 23rd Feb and you were given GOODOVA tabs( clomifene) for 5 days for ovulation induction , due to PCOD, hence it is required to be followed up regularly at 7,11,13,21 days with follicular monitoring to learn if there are follicles growing or not. Usually the follicle should reach a size of 18-22mm before rupturing or ovulating.
Following ovulation timed intercourse or an IUI procedure can be followed for attaining pregnancy. Cholesterol levels of your husband are not directly related to infertility or sperm health. If the sperm analysis is normal then chances of timed intercourse following ovulation induction can be fruitful in getting you pregnant. But it has to be understood that sometimes multiple cycles are required and one needs to be patient for conception and follow the physician's advise regularly.