What Are The Chances Of Miscarriage With Low HCG Levels?
No apparent need to worry.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
As per the sonogram findings, your pregnancy can be put at a gestational age of between 5-6 weeks. The hCG values are corresponding for this age of pregnancy and hence, you need not worry about the progress of the pregnancy.
It so happens in many patients that the initial hCG levels are on the lower side and gradually pick up as pregnancy advances. Serial serum beta-hCG titres are often helpful in such cases as doubling titres every 2-3 days are indicative of a good prognosis. This should be combined with serial trans-vaginal sonograms to assess the growth.
Missed miscarriage or 'missed abortion' can happen even with a viable pregnancy in such instances where there is some gross genetic defect incompatible with life or some hormonal defect that fails to sustain the pregnancy.
The incidence of missed abortion among diagnosed pregnancies is 15-20 percent and it can be much higher in undiagnosed pregnancies and the so-called chemical abortions. The rate rises as maternal age advances beyond 40 years.
Hope I have clarified your query. Please feel free to contact for further information. I will be happy to help.