What Are The Common Causes Of Nipple Irritation?
Nipple irritation by clothes can be the reason.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
Such symptom can be caused by nipple irritation, nipple inflammation, hormonal changes or in rare cases breast or testicle cancer.
Nipple irritation is a very frequent issue caused by clothes irritation. It happens for example after jogging. So if you have started physical activity recently, this can be the case.
Nipple inflammation due to bacteria can give redness and discharge from the nipple.
Even if you feel no lump, there might be some small breast tissue responsible for the pain. In such case breast cancer and testicle cancer (testis cancer can give gynecomastia in 10%) should be considered.
I suggest you to wait few more days and see. If the pain will be still present, please consult your doctor and have breasts ultrasound done.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.