What Are The Complications Associated With Peptic Ulcer Disease?
listed them
Detailed Answer:
I am Dr Mittal.
I will be answering your current query.
Some of the urgent complications of peptic ulcers is perforation and bleeding. The ulcer becomes deeper and finally perforates the stomach wall. The ulcer may spread to a neighbour artery causing severe gastric bleed that need urgent surgery.
The acid formed cam also cause severe chronic continous gastritis. But usually the medicines help.
One may develop severe cough when the acid comes up into the throat and irritates the pharynx. The control of acidity can help.
It can cause severe vomits and persistent vomits can lead to dyselectrolytemia.
too much acidity cam also cause loosestools followed by constipation.
Referred pain looking like heart attack may occur because the nerve supply to heart and stomach is the same.
These are some things that one can face.
I have tried to make it as simple as possible. I hope that the information helps you. Please feel free to contact us for more information. Best of luck. Dr Mittal.
acute conditions are perforation and bleeding.
Detailed Answer:
The acute conditions are perforation and bleeding.
The remaining are chronic condition which may also present in some acute settings. Doing an endoscopy is a good idea to know patients details and stage of gastritis.
Best of luck
Dr Mittal
Refer AHA guidelines.
Detailed Answer:
All those pain etc., complaints can be chronic.
As for cholesterol and Hypertension you can refer to AHA guidelines.