What Are The Consequences Of Premature Ejaculation?
Can you tell me what the consequences of premature ejaculation are?
can it cause digestive complication?
There are no bad physical consequences to this problem.
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry you are having this difficulty.
Premature ejaculation does not cause any bodily harm in any way. It will not affect your digestion. The problem with premature ejaculation is that the sexual experience is generally not as satisfying and can lead to frustration and anxiety around intercourse.
Treatment for premature ejaculation includes behavioral techniques, topical anesthetics, and medications.
First the behavioral techniques:
While learning to control premature ejaculation behaviorally, use sexual activity/foreplay other than intercourse to avoid the psychological pressure from sexual intercourse.
The "pause-squeeze" technique:
Engage in sexual activity with your partner (but do not have intercourse), and when you feel almost ready to ejaculate, have your partner squeeze the penis between the head and shaft until the urge to ejaculate passes (a few seconds). Release the squeeze and wait 30 seconds. Then resume (non intercourse) sexual activity. Repeat this several times as necessary.
Do this technique for several practice sessions. Eventually the feeling of delaying ejaculation can become a habit so that you will no longer need to use this technique.
SSRI antidepressants can be helpful in delaying ejaculation and also removing accompanying anxiety.
Topical anesthetics can sometimes help.
Erectile dysfunction treatment medications can also be used - such as Viagra. The problem here isn't erectile dysfunction, but these same medications can help with premature ejaculation as well.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can help clarify or provide further information.