What Are The Normal Creatinine Levels In A Healthy Adult Male?
most reliable test of kidney function is to do serum creatinine.
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX and welcome to HCM.
As an Urologist, i can fully understand your concern.
The most reliable test for kidney function is, to check serum creatinine.
The range for normal serum creatinine is 0.6-1.4 mg/dl, in a healthy adult male.
It won't change overnight in normal circumstances.
There's no meaning in repeatedly checking the urine creatinine for alcohol use.
Alcohol levels are easily detected at home, with a breathlyser.
Each time he drinks alcohol,don't check creatinine.
It's meaningless.
If he's a chronic alcoholic, he's advised to have the following tests done :
1. blood routine, creatinine,LFT,HbsAg,HCV,RBS,s.proteins,HIV and VDRL.
2. urine-ACR, and routine.
3. ultrasound scan of abdomen.
According to reports, an expert opinion can be given, after an examination.
Wishing him good health.
Dr.Matthew J. Mangat.
I'm not as concerned with his kidney functions as I am to whether he is trying to cheat his alcohol tests. The tests he takes are EtG/EtS tests that are supposed to measure alcohol use back for approximately 80 hours. The tests contain the creatinine marker to measure specimen validity.
Immediately after he began testing, creatinine levels were a roller coaster, a 20 one week, 150 the next, back to a 30 the next week. This pattern continued for about two years. Then about 6 months ago his creatinines leveled out at: 117, 221, 179, 88, 147, 235, 201, 173, 100, 92, 123, 142 each week, respectively. So I'm trying to figure out if he was cheating before, if he's stopped now, or if he's still cheating, or what else might be going on. Are ranges of 88-235 a normal creatinine range to be getting on these tests, or is even a variation of this degree in his tests a sign that he's still cheating? He admitted with the low numbers - the 20s and 30s - that he sometimes drinks 2 bottles of water before testing.
And yes, he is absolutely a chronic alcoholic. There is a psychological evaluation that calls him a "catastrophic" alcoholic. Also, does alcoholism contribute to asthma? Because he has a bout with asthma approximately once a year, or so he says. Alternatively, could drinking that much water contribute to asthma?
The court won't let us do breathalyzer tests for him, unfortunately, but I agree that would be the best method. Is there any other kind of test you are aware of that might not be as easy to adulterate as the urine EtG? I've heard there might be hair tests that are reliable.
And thank you for the advice! I'm glad to have a place to learn about these things. I really appreciate your time and your expert advice. You have been a big help already.
Etg and Ets are not creatinine markers.
Detailed Answer:
Let me clarify, Etg and Ets aren't used as markers for creatinine levels.
They do not reflect kidney function at all.
They're only related to preferred creatinine levels in urine,for the Etg OR Ets markers.
1. Your question started with 'how much creatinine varies in healthy adult male'.?
2. 'What might explain persons wide range in creatinine' ?
So i thought, you were interested in his health and creatinine levels.
Hope i have made myself clear.
If you're not aware, forensic departments insist on breathlyzers, as a quick record.
This is due to many false positives, in both Etg and Ets tests, like :
mouth wash, cough syrups,hand washes as sensitisers, wine,etc.
I request you to be well informed in this regard.
If you're genuinely concerned about his alcoholism,i'd advise you take him to a de-addiction center, before he develops complications like cirrhosis liver.
Feel free to clear health related issues here.
Dr.Matthew J. Mangat.