What Are The Possible Reasons In Blood Work Leading To An Ultrasound Gallbladder?
the symptoms are severe numbness in both feet, still is, did an ultrasound of the vascular system and result were negative- Dr sent for more blood work and told nurse by the 1st lab results I needed to get an ultrasound of my gall bladder, I told that nurse I have not had a gall bladder for 10 years, it's in my record, go figure, then she says that the dr ordered more blood work,
I ask, what organ resembles in the blood work a problem with the gall bladder when it is not the gall bladder and the symptoms are only severe numbness in the feet - by the way it has been over 6 months with this numbness
I also have a nerve sheath tumor on my back that was told to me it is inoperable (I am a veteran currently being treated in Bay Pine FL
Maybe bone lesion due to alkaline phosphatase
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking.
I am Dr. Jyothi BL and I will be answering your query.
Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows.
1. Fat, female, above forty, gall stones are strongly suspect. Also tumors of gall bladder are seen. Maybe this was the reason for ultrasound. It leads to possible obstruction and jaundice.
2. Numbness in feet appears to be due to peripheral neuropathy, possibly due to diabetes, vitamin B12 or B6 deficiency, alcoholism, certain medication or uremia etc. Numbness is initial presentation. Later burning pain can develop.
3. The nerve sheath tumor could be pressing on sensory nerves. Site of tumor and correlation necessary.
4. No organs resemble like gall bladder on ultrasound investigations. Enzymes like alkaline phosphatase and gamma glutamyl transferase are useful for blood investigation. Certain bone conditions can elevate alkaline phosphatase. Enzymes level due to bone lesions, could have made your doctor ask for scan.
Hope it helps.
Any further queries, happy to help again.
Dr. Jyothi BL
You did not answer my question - what in the blood work would make the Dr request an ultrasound of the gall bladder (which in this case there is no gall bladder) coming back to my question what would prompt the Dr to request a gall bladder ultra sound by the blood work? It was stated by the doctor that the area is inflamed. But I am not having any symptoms in the supposedly inflamed area but the numbness in both my feet.
Further more I am not diabetic, not overweight, do not have high blood pressure, essentially I am a 60 year old female that has no history of heart or sugar problem. Not drinker or smoker. Exercise 4 times a week for 1 hour, retired military soldier.
altered blood counts or enzyme levels
Detailed Answer:
Thanks again for asking.
The possible reasons in blood work leading to a ultrasound gallbladder are:
1. Increased alkaline phosphatase
2. Increased gamma glutamyl transferase
3. Increased 5' nucleotidase
4. Increased indirect bilirubin and also total bilirubin's.
5. Reduced vitamins A, D, E, K levels.
6. Neutropenia
7. Increased WBC count with lymphocytes increased.
Hope it helps.
Any further queries, happy to help again.
Dr. Jyothi BL