What Are The Risks Of Getting HCV Infection After Needle Stick Exposure?
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Detailed Answer:
Dear colleague,
I read carefully all your history and I can say as follows:
- the average risk of HCV infection after needle stick exposure is 1.5-1.8 %. IT IS A LOW RISK.So please don't worry.
- You are reporting to have been exposed two weeks ago than I can say that HVC-RNA( viral replication)by PCR can be measured in blood even one week after exposure.
Anti- HCV can be measured in blood after 6-8 weeks of exposure.
So you can ask your physician to do HCV-RNA and it will show if you have been infected or not.
If it is negative ( I hope and believe) than you can put your mind on easy.
Please write me if you have other questions?
Hope it was helpful to you.