What Are The Side Effects Of Regular Intake Of Advil?
This is surprisingly not that bad except the advil.
Detailed Answer:
depends of course on the type of reaction since narcotics and aspirin like drugs work totally differently. BUT
that is about 50 mg a day of percocet moderate to high amount. BUT NOT outside of the FDA approved nor the average dose. There is some risk of withdrawal (low), getting used to it (definitely possible) but not really a risk of overdose.
ON THE OTHER HAND. 1600+ dose of advil at one time IS an overdose. It can not only cause stomach irritation, but also kidney shut down, fluid retention, and other problems at that dose. Furthermore, while 60 mg daily of percocet will have some more effect than 40 mg, 1600 at one time is very unlikely to actually do anything helpful that 800 won't also do (maximal FDA approved prescription dose of advil).
First if someone is using an overdose of one aspirin like drug, trying instead a low average dose of a different one would be the first advice (and also getting the kidney function checked under the circumstances).
morphine acts chemically like the other narcotics.
Detailed Answer:
and wouldn't be significantly different than 'more oxycodone'. The dose of narcotics someone is on is typically given as "morphine equivalents", because you can just convert all of the narcotics into one morphine dose number similar to converting to metric.
By 'M-S systems', we would mean 'muscles'? The underlying disease for which she takes the medications is a cause of MS-symptoms, and by far the most likely one. Neither narcotics nor aspirin like drugs has much effect on muscles.
The emotional reactions might be connected to the narcotics, but are more likely due to a complex interaction between many events that are happening in her life and how they interact with her pain.
People using this service generally upload a significant amount of medical history and forms and results as separate files to help the person answering the question.
So.... as the cause of MS symptoms and reactions:
most likely is the underlying condition.
Next, pain from underlying condition
third other emotional issues from the interaction between those two
least likely
is the medications...
It's unlikely except for sedation from narcotics which is a real common side effect of them. If it is the narcotics there will be changes in the size of pupils that will be very distinctive either the WHOLE of the eye will be pupil or the pupils will be so small they are hardly visible at all.
There can be a lot of reactions to withdrawal from narcotics (but that seems really doubtful that is the case).