What Are The Symptoms Of HIV?

You are free frm HIV infection
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Welcome to HCM.
Thanks for posting your query.
The lady with whom you had sex would have fever due to reason other than HIV. Even if we assume she had HIV, There is every chance for you to get not infected with HIV. There are nearly 30-40% of the spouses of HIV positive persons remain HIV negative in spite of their regular sex contact for years and they are called as Sero-discordant couple.
You are absolutely free from HIV beyond any doubt. So many tests are not necessary. Almost all the tests available in the market are very much reliable and conclusive. Test done 12 weeks after the high risk activity itself conclusive. You had tested and they came repeatedly non reactive.
RNA PCR is not a qualitative test and it is more quantitative test. So the result would be expressed as 'undetectable level'. You need not worry about anything. You are safe and free from HIV 1 and 2.
Dr S.Murugan

Thanx for the answer Sir.But Sir,I have a doubt.As I go for stool discharge 4 to 5 times,can it be collitis.Does collitis comes under autoimmune disorder that hampers Antibody formation within 12 weeks.Drinking self urine do not effect antibody tests?Sorry to disturb u sir.
Antibody formation not interfered by Colitis/Urine
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Welcome back.
Autoimmune disorder like colitis and drinking self urine would have no effect on Antibody formation against HIV, in presence of an infection.
Dry cough can occur to anybody without HIV infection. As you were not on any immunosuppressive drugs, you need not go for further testing. Forget about HIV.
Dr S.Murugan

I forget to tell one thing,as I was facing problem of erectile dysfunction I consulted a sexologist in the February,2014 and started taking medichines,like vigora,some allopathic medicines even tried Ayurvedic medicines too for few months from march,2014 and then from XXXXXXX 2014 Homeo pathic medicines Vigora 5x.Do these medicines effected my test results.My exposure was on 5th May 2014.Extremely sorry to disturb you again.
Allopathic/Ayurvedic EDdrugs not affect HIV result
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Welcome once again.
Your viagra and Ayurvedic drugs given for erectile disorder, also have no effect on HIV antibody production. So not affects the HIV results.
I don't have any idea about homeopathic drugs.
Dr S.Murugan

Drugs for liverdisease has no effect on HIV test
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Welcome again.
Drugs given for fatty liver or liver rejuvenating drugs also would not affect the outcome of the HIV result. So you need not worry and you are free from HIV infection.
Dr S.Murugan

No further testing for HIV is necessary.
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Welcome back.
Inj Sustanon also would not affect the out come of HIV results or antibody formation.
How many times you go for HIV test it would come negative only. If you are not satisfied then you can go on for repeated test endlessly. No more test is necessary for you.
Dr S.Murugan

Ciprobid/Benocid have no effect on HIV rapid test.
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Welcome back.
It is not at all a disturbance rather a pleasure in clearing your doubts.
Ciprobid is anti-microbial agent acting against only on bacteria and not on virus. Similarly Benocid also have no effect on virus and also on antibody production. So both these drugs would not affect your HIV test interpretation. So get relaxed and you are assured once again that you are free from HIV.
Dr S.Murugan

As i am in warm climate the coughing is low and increases suddenly when I go in cold climate.My Esnophill is 13.4%.(normal range 0-6).Although I am taking medicines Ciprovid and Benocide. Please help me Sir I am in quite panic state.
Change of antibiotic will help your dry cough.
Detailed Answer:
There is no doubt about your HIV status. It is sure that you are free from HIV.
Regarding dry cough, your Eosinophill count is little high, for which Benocide is an ideal drug. If you have dusty atmosphere in your surroundings, that may be a cause for your Eosinophilia and dry cough.
I don't prefer Tablet Ciprobid for throat infection in my practice. Certain doctors prefers Ciprofloxacin. A change in Antibiotic would do good for your dry cough. Don't confuse it with HIV symptoms.
Dr S.Murugan

Now it's becoming difficult for me to rely on six antibody tests which are continuously coming negative.I think that HIV antibodies didn't formed in my body until my current Rapid test on 4th October,2014(152nd day of exposure).My 6 months window period will complete on 1st November,2014.Therefore all the results are quite giving false Negative continuously,although I am not any immunosuppressive drugs.What to do now sir.From several nights never slept because of HIV fear.
Better to have a psychiatrist consultation.
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Welcome back.
Esophagial candidasis is a comparatively late manifestation in HIV disease. Dry cough not necessarily an usual feature for anybody. Because of your fear for HIV, you are imagining to have odd symptoms. Without any immunosuppressive drugs none of my patients in the past 25 years of my HIV practice had window period beyond 3 months.
If you still have problem in sleeping,anxiety and restlessness, it is better to consult a psychiatrist.
Dr S.Murugan

I had mouth ulcers twice in month of september-october i.e. white patches this terrified me a lot as I heard it as HIV symptoms.
Lastly as you are quite experienced person in HIV treatment have you ever herd or seen any person whose antibody test results are negative at 5 months of exposure
and then became positive after 1 or 2 months.Help me sir I am in great confusion.
thanx sir
Increase in heart beat due to anxiety neurosis.
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Welcome back.
Increase in heart beat may be due to anxiety or other pre-existing heart problems. This does not come under auto-immune disorder except that if you are having autoimmune-Thyroiditis. Mouth ulcer and white patches in the mouth also is a common nuisance for many without HIV.
To say frankly, I am yet to see any case to become HIV reactive after 90 days of their high risk contact.
Dr S.Murugan

Also dear Sir I am un able to understand your's the above mentioned sentence "I am yet to see any case to become HIV reactive after 90 days of their high risk contact."Plz explain a little bit. As I am not so good in English.
Plz don't take Sir if otherwise,I don't want to disturb u again and again actually these are my doubts that I want to clear for full relaxation and return in my normal life.
Respected Sir,I took a general Blood test on 17th September,2014 from Thyrocare lab.In which my thyroid related details are as fowllows;
TOTAL TRIIODOTHYRONINE(T3) 143 60-200(reference range)
TOTAL THYROXINE(T4) 12 4.5-12.0 (reference range)
THYROID STIMULATING 0.86 0.30-5.5(reference range)
Is these results denotes towards Autoimmune-Thyroiditis
in the given report my neutophil is 71.3% (ref range 40-80) and neutrophil absolute count 8.34*1000/micro lit (ref range 2.0-7.0).Is this alarming situation because it's disturbing me.
Neutrophil count and thyroid are normal.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome once again.
If the level of Thyroid hormone is higher than normal then one may get a tachycardia (increased heart rate). Your Thyroid level is within the normal range. So there is no possibility of increased thyroid activity and you need not bother about any autoimmune disorders. Actually in auto-immune disorder conditions immune system is comparatively hyperactive and there is no chance in delay antibody production. Sleeping pills also have no effect to extend the window period.
I said that so far I had not come across a case of HIV reactive result beyond 3 months of high risk activity.
Neutrophil count is almost in a normal range. Mild variations may occur due to recent bacterial infection like throat infection (Dry Cough). Nothing to bother about the same.Consult a psychiatrist for further help.
Dr S.Murugan

I have 3 questions to ask:
1. Sir as I took ELISA TEST(from Thyrocare Lab) after 4 months and 4 days (128th day) of my unsafe exposure (10th September,2014), my OD Ratio was 0.03 and maximum limit was 0.9 for the Reactive result.If I repeat the test after 6 months of exposure and OD ratio comes more than 0.03 like 0.09 or 0.1 etc. does that means I will have to continue the ELISA test after some months always to view the OD ratio till it passes the cut off 0.9 and I becomes positive.
2. 2ndly Sir I am having recently some small pinkish spots on my left leg, two or three,including I have a fungal infection on my upper lips these two things are scaring me a lot about HIV.
3.3rdly as I took RNA-PCR test on 19th September,2014(137th day) of the exposure,which gave the result "Less than detectable level" but in the clinical note of the report it was given: "Less than detectable level" means either absence of HIV1 or further test should be taken after 1 to 2 months of the first test,so I am asking should I have to go for further RNA TEST.
Confirmed that you are free from HIV.
Detailed Answer:
1. It does not mean that repeating ELISA, the cut of value would go up. Then also it will remain less than 0.9. That is all and it indicates that the test is negative for HIV.
2. Consult a Dermatologist for your skin and mouth problem. They are not related to HIV.
3. RNA PCR is a quantitative test, not a qualitative test. The result would be expressed as undetectable viral level even if there is no infection.
No further test is necessary.
Dr S.Murugan

Do taking regular urine therapy decreases the viral load hence gave the result 'Less than detectable level'.
Urine therapy can not reduce viral load.
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It is not so.
If the viral load is possible to be reduced to undetectable level urine therapy, then it is a wonderful finding and it will bring a Nobel prize to the individual who proved it. Easy, without side effect, cost effective etc. Millions of dollars are spent every year for the research of HIV cure. So don't imagine odd things and get yourself more confused and depressed.

Although you told me I am free from HIV infection but I have to ask some questions more which are as follows :
1. Sir, after my unsafe exposure on 5th May,2014 I remember that I had loose motion near about a week or some what more days in the month of XXXXXXX last or july but neither I suffered any weakness or fever etc.Only loose motion i.e. diarrhea.That is making me upset and terrified as I heard it as a sign of primary HIV infection.Although all my 5 Antibody tests including ELISA after 90 days of exposure are negative also RNA-PCR test at 137th day of exposure.
2. As Sir you previously also mentioned that you don't have idea about Homeopathic drugs that is really disturbing me a lot that whether it hampered my test results?Please guide me regarding this or if you know please give me the reference on any such doctor who can help me in this.I really need your help.
3.Thirdly Sir,I met an head injury too in 1985,do the medication given during that time can effect my Antibody test results in 2014.
4.In the year 1993-94 due to depression and psychological problem I also took drugs for that and in 2004 I suffered from typhoid also do the medicines taken during these disorders hampered the test results.
5.Lastly Sir, as I read your's several answers on healthcaremagic,I came to know that in some cases you advised people to go for retest again after 6 months who were taking anti allergic drugs.In my due course of life till yet I don't know whether I had given any anti allergic drug or not so I am confused.
Please help me sir.I am still quite panic and restless.
Drugs for headinjury/depression not delay HIV test
Detailed Answer:
Welcome once again.
1.HIV can not be diagnosed with symptoms alone. The serological test should support the same as the symptoms mentioned by you (diarrhea) can occur to any one of us. As all your test result came negative after 12 weeks of high risk contact there is no possibility of HIV disease for you.
2. Regarding the Homeopathy drug you can get more information from the person who suggested those medicine.
3 and 4. Drugs taken for any disease can not remain inside the body or the side effects cannot remain for years after stopping the drugs. Liver and kidney would eliminate these drugs as early as possible. So the drugs given for your head injury and psychiatric illness would have no interference over HIV test results.
5. Not all allergic drugs could delay the window period. Only drugs which are having immuno-suppressive action like steroids, Cyclosporin. anti cancer drugs could produce a delay in the appearance of HIV antibodies. You did not have any history of taking such drugs.
So don't imagine unusual and odd things and get disturbed yourself. Believe yourself that you are free from HIV
Dr S.Murugan

Thank you for the answer.In my both legs some what in more quantity I am having blackish,brownish and some what red spots.For this I consulted the dermatologist in 2010-12 who gave me some ointements and some pills too.I don't know the exact name of pills.However he told me this is mainly happening due to my low platelets count.I remember that he had given me one ointement Clobetasol and some other also that I don't know.These spots are not itchy.Do you think that the pills/ointement he may given suppressed my immune system and hampered the HIV test results.
In 2011-12 I was having frequent pain in my feet too,now a days its not happens so frequently.
On 15th september,2014 the general blood test that I took from Thyrocare in which my platelets count was 1.4 something whereas its general range was starting from 1.5 onwards,in remarks it was given that platelets count is low.
In 2010-12 the dermatologist told that if it remain untreated it will ultimately effect heart also and some veins of the legs will damage/dry.Still I am having those spots on my legs.
Plz help sir.Do in this disease any immunosuppresive drugs are given that hampers HIV test results and bound me to take test again at 6 months.
Those drugs unlikely to have any effect on HIVtest
Detailed Answer:
Welcome once again.
Any drug or topical application used by an individual can not remain for more than a month even if it is a Depot preparation as well as their action or side effects could not persist for months. So the drugs and applications taken by you for patches or rashes during 2010 to 2012 and pain in leg during 2011-2012 could not have any effect on the exposure during May, 2014.
Regarding Platelet count, when it goes below 50000, then only one has to worry. Borderline variations can occur at any time due to various reasons with the body norms.
Avoid long standing posture and keep your legs in a raised position during sleep will ensure the blood flow from the limbs to improve. Nothing to worry.
Dr S.Murugan

I am well satisfied by your answers.So at the end of this entire conversation I want to ask some questions finally which are as follows:
1.So according to you I should stop taking further tests and I am quite free from HIV?
2. I am unable to get the words you told i.e. topical application and Depot preparation.
3. In the skin related problem I mentioned above do no immunosuppressive drugs are given?
4. Lastly in this entire conversation Sir at one place you told that Injection Sustanon I took for erectile dysfunction during window period has no effect on the Antibody test results,but I heard that Inj. Sustanon is a Steroid and steroids effects the antibody formation.
Sorry to disturb you lastly.
Sexsteroids different action from glucocorticoids
Detailed Answer:
Welcome once again.
1. Yes, no more HIV test with regards to your exposure on MAY 2014 is necessary.
2. Topical application means externally applied creams or ointments. Depot preparation means very long acting preparations (1-3 months).
3. Sometimes Steroids might have been given to you for the skin condition which had immuno-suppressive action. But they had been taken by you during 2010-2012. The immuno suppressive action for steroids could not persist for more than 3 months. Body would get recovered back from the temporary effect.
4. There are different types of steroids. Sex steroids are lacking the immunosuppressive function as that of Glucocortico-steroids.
So you can forget that incident. That is all.
DR S.Murugan

This is my last question,sorry for the disturbance.
Sorry Sir,I only want full assurance that I am free from HIV,in actual I consulted several doctors regarding my exposure but none replied me in such a clear and specific and detailed way as you did.Actually I am asking this assurance continuously like a stupid fellow as my dry cough is continuing yet.Extremely sorry again.
Inj. Sustanon not interfere the test result.
Detailed Answer:
Injection Sustanon would unlikely to hinder the formation of HIV antibodies in the presence of an infection and it would not delay the window period of HIV in presence of an infection.

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