What Are The Symptoms Of HIV?
In this 16 months of i have been to so many hiv and std tests all came back negative
HIV PCR RNA Quant 5,15,44 weekds not detected (low 20 copies/ml)
HIV ab 2,8,15,18,32,40 weeks negative
all std include hepb,c negative,
ANA, TB blood test negative.
TB skin test positive 10mm, chest x ray normal
CBC with differential normal
CMV IGG psotive, IGM negative
EBV VCA IGG postive, EBNA IGG postive, IGM negative
Liver ultrasound normal
Can you please help me i have enagaged sex with 3 different partners(2 known hiv negative(wife, friend), 1 unknown hiv status) all this happen in 2 months duration and my body low grade fever hurting a lot, muscle lost from all over body, lymph nodes everywhere, on off sore throat
Chest X rays were normal Tb blood tests were also negative
Now my wife also experenicing same symptoms burnining pain in hands and feet, febrile illness, body aches, sore throat, swollen lymphnodes. these sysmptoms were started after 30 days after our sex exposure.
My wife test blood CBC comes normal.
What is the cause behind we both experiencing persisting low grade fever, burning feet and hand, swoleen lymphnodes.etc.
You may need FNAC of lymph nodes and blood culture.
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your findings in detail.
Investigations are complete and none of the reports suggests STD's.There are no chance of false negative as you have test reports for 16 months.
Your symptoms may be due to some other reasons.
PUO(pyrexia of unknown origin)should be investigated.
You may need blood culture.FNAC of lymph nodes can be done.FNAC of lymph nodes may be important for you.
You may also need vitamin B12 estimation.
You can take vitamin B complex capsules daily.
You need detail physical check-up.Treatment depend upon findings.
Get well soon.
Hope I have answered your question.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care
I did CBC it came normal..
What should I do now??
I sex with wife after 11 months that incident my wife also has same symptoms now
You need proper evaluation for PUO(pyrexia of unknown origin).
Detailed Answer:
Your symptoms are most likely not related to STD.
It may be due to some other reasons.
You need proper evaluation for PUO(pyrexia of unknown origin).
You may need temperature charting,blood culture,bone marrow biopsy.
Your condition need proper clinical evaluation.
Get well soon.
Hope I have answered your question.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care