Question: Respected Sir,
(sorry for the poor english)
I visited a masage parlour in Thailand on 27th OCt-2013, done
unprotected oral sex and had touched her vaginal part(around) through our tongue for maximum two minute. I had not vaginal/anal sex or full intercourse. In that time I did not felt any things on my tongue. But after some time (around 30 min), I felt some sticky lubricant on my tongue. Immediately I washed my tongue with warm water.
It is almost 19week(133 days) passed but burning/tingling/pain in mouth,
swollen lymph nodes under the jaw line, night sweating and some irregular pain in shoulder and thigh muscle are being continued.
Details of dates of symptoms-----
Date of exposure- 27-10-13
First feeling of tasteless/
dry mouth – After 4week/29days (on 25-11-13)
Night sweat started – After 4week
Pain/tingling on tongue – After 5 week /37 days
Swollen Lymph nodes(under the both jaw line) felt – After 7th week/ 52days
All above said symptoms are still continued. Still I have not gone for
HIV test. But I had test for
WBC and CD4 after 15th week (on 5th FEB’2014), which was WBC-7200, CD4-436.
Is it the symptoms of HIV infection ?
I am living with my family, but from the day of exposure to till, I have not any sex(Oral/Viginal/anal) with my wife. But I am sharing same bed/utensils/toilet/comb/towel/wash basin/car/TV remote/nobs/handle/book etc. Is there any chance to get infected of my family members ?
1. Do Salvia/tear/urine/spite/vomating/nosal waste have hiv virus or able to transmit the same ?
2. How many time/duration this hiv virus survive in open air at normal temp ?
Request to advice pl again.