What Are The Symptoms Of Borderline Personality Disorder And Bipolar Disorder?
It can be differentiated by through history and mental status examination
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for using healthcaremagic.
I read your query and understand your concerns.
First of all I like to inform you that distinction between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder is quite difficult and can be done with through history and Mental status examination.
In the history bipolar patients have generally episodic nature of illness while borderline have chronic illness without much symptom remission over the years.
The borderline have emotional emptiness and have all or none kind of relationship. Either they are too attached or really disown the relationship at another moment. But in bipolar such pattern is not seen.
Generally borderline show para suicidal behaviour which is not common among bipolar disorder patients. Bipolar have serious intention to kill themselves on majority of time when they attempt.
There are other features are apparent on patient interaction with health care professional.
I must emphasize again that differentiation between bipolar and borderline can not be completed without mental status examination.
I hope this helps you.
If you have any more questions feel free to write back to me.
Thanks and regards