What Are The Symptoms Of Hodgkins Lymphoma
Please confirm nature of liver lesion and take steps to avoid constipation
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have read through your query in detail.
Please find my observations below.
1. Liver lesions are seen on ultrasound in many patients having hodgkins lymphoma. Such lesions need to be closely followed up. Most patients have a benign cause for such a lesion. However it is important to know the detailed ultrasound findings and discuss the significance of the lesion with your doctor.
2. As the lesion has increased in size, it is important to make a confirmation on the exact nature of the liver lesion and if it requires treatment.
3. Seroquel (quetiapine) is a psychiatric medicine and is given as per requirement to treat mental health conditions. Seroquel can cause undesired side effects like constipation of a sense of fullness in the abdomen in some people taking it. This is a minor side effect and does not require any change in dose or medicine. However should you experience severe constipation at any time then please discuss the medication with your doctor.
4. Ultrasound scan might show air in the large bowel in most patients if it is done after mid day or if you have had a heavy meal the previous night. Ultrasound scan is best done in the morning hours after proper bowel movements. If your bowel movements are normal then the gas is the ultrasound might be due to the food residue from the earlier day.
5. Should you feel that your bowel movements are not clear then please include more amount of fibers in your diet. This can be done by adding fruits and vegetables to your diet and reducing processed foods.
6. For a clear bowel movement every morning, please drink a glass of lukewarm drinking water when you wake up. Most people experience clear bowel movements using this technique.
7. Use of laxative is not recommended unless you have severe constipation and that should be taken only for a short duration.
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to correct any oversight in my interpretation of your problems and discuss them in detail as per your requirements.
Hope your query is answered.
Do write back if you have any doubts.