What Are The Symptoms Of Kidney Stones?
I have a back pain on the lower right and now I am having pain in the front lower right in the groin area. I've been taking Aleve and it seems to work for a while. Pain is somewhat moderate and seems to be in a particular place and not just the whole of the lower right side of the abdomen
It's not my appendix as I had it removed over 14 years ago.
the description can be from kidney stones.
Detailed Answer:
The sign and symptoms of kidney stones are pain- which is generally severe and you may cry with pain. it can be located in the back or front of the abdomen and may go to the groin or to the urine passage also depending on the position of the stone.
Other symptoms of kidney stone include fever, blood in urine.
it is more like if you also had stones in the past.
the pain as you describe it could very well be due to kidney stones. only way out is to get an ultrasound done.
aleve is a painkiller ( naproxan ) and will definitely reduce the pain. other structures in that are which can cause pain are intestines and back. physical examination helps in differentiating the cause in that case.
I would suggest you meet your doctor.
best wishes.