Question: what are the emotional experiences of
Thoracic Outlet syndrome.? Iam experiencing severe distress, along with bouts of irradic bloodflow to heart,
headaches, numbing and weakness in right arm. Tremors of neck radiating down spine, lack of interest in eating. My neck is swollen and pulling to right which causes trouble in swallowing. Can't lift items- terrible
anxiety in driving because of limitations.Becoming depressed, as this has been going on since the end of Oct. the doctors in Fl. are inadequate may have to move back to Ma. as the care is terrible.I am on Buspar for anxiety but this is not taking care of the ever looming incapacitation. Doing P.T. ,massage,
marcaine injections, chiropractor the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming me.Can;t take antidepressants, causes suicidal thoughts or heart irregularity. Can't take anti-inflammatory severe
stomach upset and bleeding.Have COMT which accentuates pain immensely.