What Are The Tests And Scans Advised During Pregnancy?
I have some queries regarding tests that need to be performed during pregnancy.
What are all the tests and scans that need to be performed during pregnancy and at which month or week from day 1.
What are the uses of different tests/scans that should be performed.
My wife is conceived and it is 2 months now and I want to know it from you so that I will make sure my wife is undergoing all the needed medication.
My wife's Age : 24 years
1st Scanning Report Details :
Single Fetus : Yes
FHR : 142 bps
Age : 7 to 8 weeks
1st Blood Report Details:
Hemoglobin :12.6%
Group : B+ve
V.D.R.L : Non-Reactive
HIV : Negative for both 1 and 2
RBC : 85 mg/dl
Please help me with the details requested above.
Thanks in Advance,
Listed below
Detailed Answer:
First of all , congratulations on your pregnancy !
Here is a pregnancy checklist of investigations, tests and recommended treatments -
1. Around 6 weeks of pregnancy - First ultrasound scan.
Basic blood investigations - Complete blood count, Blood group, Urine routine microscopy, TSH, Fasting and post prandial blood sugar, HB A1c, HIV, HBsAg, HCV, VDRL. Husband blood group and indirect coombs test if wife is Rh negative.
2. Around 12 weeks - Double marker test ( ultrasound plus blood test ).
3. !6 - 18 weeks - Quadruple marker test ( blood test )
Repeat Hemoglobin, urine test, blood sugar and TSH.
4. 20 weeks - Anomaly scan ( TIFFA test )
5. Repeat the blood test every 4 - 6 weeks
6. Ultrasound scan and Doppler if needed around 32 weeks
7. 3 weekly visit to your gynecologist until the 5th month, then every 15 days, and every week starting from 8th month onwards.
Regarding medications -
Until 14 weeks of pregnancy, take daily folic acid supplements.
Progesterone supplementation if there is any risk as declared by your doctor ( previous miscarriages, excessive pain or cramps, risk of miscarriage in current pregnancy, spotting etc ).
Start iron tablets, calcium with vitamin D tablets and Protein powder from 14 weeks, and continue until she is breastfeeding.
Proper antenatal classes to be attended to prepare for childbirth and breastfeeding.
2 tetanus injections after the 5th month, given 1 month apart.
IN a normal , uneventful pregnancy, nothing more needs to be given or done.
If there are any complications arising, then further tests or medications maybe required.
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.
I may come up with some more queries on this... please don't hate me for that.
Here is my another query,
Could you please let me know what is the diet that need to be followed to attain normal delivery ( Note : Vegetarian Food
And is there any special exercise that should be done to attain normal delivery.
Are there any restrictions to participate in sexual intercourse during pregnancy?
Early response is much appreciated.
All explained.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the appreciation.
Actually, please do not apologize for asking too many questions.
I am here to help you with your doubts and queries.
Regarding normal delivery ( or vaginal delivery ) - there is no scientific evidence that eating a particular type of food can help in achieving vaginal birth.
The mode of delivery depends on the size of the baby versus the size of the pelvis of the mother.
She can increase her chances of a normal delivery by remaining fit and active and eating well.
Good quality protein is essential ( in a vegetarian diet, it would include paneer, tofu, beans, dal, cereals, nuts ) .
Have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Take good amount ( atleast 4 litres per day ) of water.
All this leads to a healthy mother, thereby increasing chances of normal delivery.
Join good antenatal classes that teach good exercises to prepare your pelvis and body for birth.
There are good pelvic exercises that help in aiding normal childbirth, those are taught in these antenatal sessions.
There is no restriction on sexual intercourse throughout pregnancy, unless some complications are detected by your doctor and you are specifically told not to indulge in sexual activity.
I hope this information helps you.
You can write in directly to me anytime, by clicking on the following link -
Take care.
Thanks a ton for that.
For now I am closing this discussion, as I can start the discussion at any point of time in future as long as I have queries.
Yes, take care.
Detailed Answer:
You are most welcome at any time.
Yes, you have the direct link to my profile, and you can reach me at any time.
Best wishes for the future.
Take care.