What Can Be The Cause Of Development Of Gland Near The Joint Of Penis ?
I have no such problem earlier except I was getting treatment(TCA) for Genital warts last 2 months.
Thanks for posting your query.
What you have described does appear to be a swelling arising from Bulbourethral glands.
The paired bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands are small, about the size of a pea, and located near the base of the penis. A short duct from each gland enters the proximal end of the penile urethra.
Some times there can blockage of the ducts of the gland which can lead to such a swelling.
If there is no pain or tenderness, then we usually wait and watch. It should resolve gradually over a period of one week.
If there is pain, redness or fever, antibiotics will be necessary.
Other causes are swelling arising from sweat and sebaceous glands from the hair follicle.
Lymph node swelling can also present there.
Get yourself evaluated by a physician to pinpoint the cause.
Hope this answers your query.
Please get back if you need any further information.
Thanks and Regards.
Dr Kiran