What Casues Abnormal Period?
I am 25 years Old, i had my last period as normal, But this period is making me disturbed, i had discharge in brown and reddish color for a week and from last three days i am getting very less bleeding and no stomach pain, and i am not sexually active..i had protected sex before three months by my fiance and he used condom and he did not released any sperm inside me and i had normal periods after that for two months, i did not used any contraceptive, but this month i felt stress in my office..what is the reason for this long period and how can i get rid of..Please give me correct suggestions, and i am sure that i am not sexually active since three months.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
As pregnancy is reasonably ruled out, other factors for an abnormal period should be considered.
These are commonly - anxiety , stress, weight gain or weight loss, hypothyroidism, travelling, late nights, erratic eating habits, smoking, drinking, ingestion of hormonal medications , polycystic ovarian disease etc.
In your case, the stress might be causing this.
If the spotting does not stop within a few more days, please consult a gynaecologist.
Go for internal exam - per vaginum and per speculum and a pelvic transvaginal ultrasound scan.
Also hormonal levels - FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, OGTT, DHEAS, Free testosterone, Lipid profile etc.
This should reveal a diagnosis .
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.