Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
You are confusing two conditions here.
The first , which is present in your wife's case is FIBROADENOMAS.
These are not FIBROIDS.
Fibroadenomas are dense small lesions in the breast tissue, these are due to
hormonal changes, and are quite harmless.
Fibroids are smooth muscles tumours in the wall of the
uterus ( these are leiomyomas ) .
1. As your wife has already undergone scanning of the pelvis in September, there is no need to undergo further scanning for the same. There is less likelihood of fibroid development if there were none seen in September.
2. No, these are not leiomyomas, these are fibroadenomas, distinct from leimyomas ( fibroids ).
3. Fibroadenomas are quite common, and not a disease.
4. She does not need to undergo scanning of the uterus again.
5. Yes, the size of the lesions in the breast has marginally decreased. As long as they do not increase and she does not have unrelenting pain, no treatment is required for them.
6. Keep having 6 monthly scanning of the breasts to monitor the size and status of the fibroadenomas.
7. If she is having
irregular periods, then investigation should be done for the same.
Sometimes periods will start off with
blood clots and full blown period appears later.
If she is having irregular cycles, get hormonal tests done - FSH, LH,
Prolactin, OGTT, DHEAS, Free
All the best.
Take care.
Please feel free to discuss further.