What Causes A Baby To Refuse To Breastfeed?
Feed by expressed breast milk
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Baby not sucking breast could be due to many factors
1. Breast milk is not adequate
2. Painful lesion in oral cavity of baby
3. Oral thrush of baby
I would suggest you the following
1. Ensure adequate hydration of mother
2. Breast feed by right breast feeding technique
3. Express the breast milk and feed using either paladay or watti & spoon.
4. Increasing breast milk in mother: Tablet Lactare thrice a day to be given to mother, it will help increase breast milk in mother
Following are the signs that baby is getting sufficient feeds
1. feeding your baby is easy and pain-free for you
2. your baby comes off the breast on his own
3. your baby is happy for a while after feeds
4. your baby has a good skin tone
5. your baby has about five to eight wet nappies in 24 hours
6. your baby's stool is mustard yellow, sweet smelling and soft.
Your baby's weight gain is the most reliable way to know if he is getting enough feeds. Your baby's doctor will weigh him at every appointment and track how his weight gain compares to growth standards of his age.
If you're at all worried that your baby isn't getting enough milk, the most important things for you to do are:
1. Feed more often, holding your baby close to you so he gets the chance to 'tell' you when he would like to feed.
2. Watch for cues that your baby is hungry. He'll tell you by opening and closing his mouth, making sucking noises, opening his eyes or turning his head towards you. Keeping your baby near you, skin to skin, means you can respond to him easily and quickly.
3.Let your baby stay on one breast for as long as he wants before switching to the other breast.
Check the way your baby latches on at your breast. If he's latching on well he'll gape his mouth and take in a big mouthful of breast. A good latch will help him get the calorie-rich hindmilk which comes at the end of a feed.
4.You can hear or see your baby swallowing. This will indicate that he is getting a mouth full of milk.