What Causes A Baby To Reject Breast Feed?
My name is XXX. I had a baby boy on 27 May '16. He is now 3.5 Months and having weight of 5 KG. It was C section.
From last four five days he is not taking breastfeed but taking bottle. I tried him feeding while he is sleeping then he take some time but while awake he refuses to take breast feed.
What needs to be done, please help.
Breastfeed more
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HCM.
Can understand your concerns.
Weight of the baby at 3.5 months is 5 kg. This is good for this age. This means that earlier baby used to take breastfeeding.
There is very less effort in bottle feeding as compared to breastfeeding. Since, you are giving feed by bottle, the baby is not breastfeeding as he has to do more work in comparison to bottle feeding.
I suggest you to stop bottle feeding and whenever baby is hungry, give him breastfeed only. If he is not satisfied then only give bottle feeding.
Other things which should be ruled out is cold and any infection. So, its better to get the child examined by a pediatrician once.
I hope this will help you.
Wishing your child good health.
Take care.
Yesterday we went for vaccination, as per Pedia he is fine . No infection and Cold.
Whenever i try to breastfeed him , he started crying. I am in stress
Just keep on trying
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Don't worry, just keep on trying to breastfeed whenever child is hungry. It will take some time.
Take care.