What Causes A Constant Dull Right Flank Pain ?
Needs Physical examination and investigations
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
4 months is a long time to suffer and the cause not yet picked by is bit difficult to understand.
To recapitulate: ( Gender / age / visited a Doctor / Medication tried - not seen) - pain in the area of right kidney started 4 months ago - dull right flank pain - always there when sitting or lying down - better when ''standing''' - no other symptoms - ''pelvic'' ultrasound tomorrow - sounds odd to you... wants to know most likely causes...
Most likely cases of such pain can be :
- Muscular- local muscles gone into spasm or strain 4 months ago with a known reason like a fall / trauma / slipping of the leg etc or inadvertently where you can not recollect the instigating incidence. Since this is the area which is constantly under movement the muscles do not get a rest and the may be come chronically painful.
- A small possibility of Sort of a neuralgia due to trapped nerve or post- herpetic (Shingles) neuralgia or a Disc lesion in the thoracic region.
-Actual problem of the Kidney like Hydronephrosis if slow growing can cause such similar pains and there will be absence of any episode of acute pain.
* Ultrasonography of the whole abdomen hence is required (not pelvic only)
-Any other cause which may be difficult to see on ultrasonography of the whole abdomen / CT scan of the abdomen / MRI of the spine can be diagnosed with careful Physical / Clinical examination by a Surgeon / Urologist.
I hope this answer helps you to get a proper guideline for getting an early diagnosis and proper treatment.
Please feel free to ask any relevant questions if you need to.