What Causes A Miscarriage?
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I am very sorry to learn the misfortune of yours.
However, recurrent early pregnancy loss may be due many reasons, of which majority remains unexplained despite extensive investigations and thorough evaluations. Among the causes, thrombophilia, particularly, anti-phospholipid syndrome plays a major role. Chromosomal abnormalities, infection, anatomic abnormality, autoimmune disorders often play role. Your consultant might also have suspected thrombophilia from your bad obstetric history and for that you were prescribed the medications you mentioned.
Right now, you need a battery of tests to evaluate the underlying cause under a gynaecologists supervision, before trying for another pregnancy.
You may need the following tests-
karyotype of you and your husband
Blood for complete blood count, fasting TSH, fasting sugar, HbA1c, serum prolactin level, LH, FSH, antithyroid antibodies, Anticardiolipin antibody levels (IgG and IgM), Lupus anticoagulant, Homocysteine, factor V Leiden, prothrombin promoter mutation, activated protein C resistance.
Regarding the fetal cardiac activity, I would like to say that this is the early sign of fetal demise. This is obvious before you have abortion. So, please consult a local gynaecologist at the earliest.
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Possible cause is thrombophilia
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your prompt reply.
As you have already been diagnosed with some form of thrombophilia, the reason for recurrent abortion becomes obvious.
Regarding the heart beat, I would say that finding good fetal heart beat in one scan means your fetus is not at stress at that point of time only. But, a fetal distress for only few hours can be detrimental for its survival. A decline in fetal heart rate implies that your fetus is having stress and when there is no cardiac activity, it means you have lost your baby in utero. Particularly during the early trimester the fetus remains highly vulnerable to any stress. As you are having thrombophilia, at early pregnancy uterine or placental bleeding can occur at early pregnancy, when even a small amount of such bleeding can be disastrous and that's what happened to your baby. Now, I think you have understood the reason behind the unfortunate event that happened to you.
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