What Causes Abdominal Swelling With Bloating And Gastric?
Some thoughts.
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX,
This could be distention from gas (such as from an irritable bowel, indigestion, malabsorption, or gastrointestinal infection). Usually this sort of distention is throughout the abdomen, not specifically to one side. When it is located in one specific place, then we need to do a physical exam to see what is going on. Several organs are on the left side including the stomach and descending colon (and in the location you mention, part of the transverse colon), and pancreas. A growth on an ovary can give distention too but usually not with gas.
You can try simethicone (Gas X) to help break up the gas but I think, given the weight gain, and that the swelling is asymmetrical, you should go in to be examined by your doctor. He or she can listen, palpate, and percuss your abdomen. This will usually help sort out where the problem is coming from. They may also order an ultrasound.
So, make an appointment and in the meantime try some Gas X. And if you do develop pain, then go in to be seen sooner, such as via an urgent care clinic.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information.
Please go in to be seen today or early tomorrow.
Detailed Answer:
With your history of kidney stones and if you have had hydro nephrosis in the past, I think this is more likely. Especially if you are experiencing similar symptoms. And hydronephrosis could account for weight gain. You should go to see a doctor promptly. In an urgent care clinic, they might be able to see the problem on plain X-ray, although an ultrasound would be better. A growth can cause weight gain, but less likely, in that period of time.