What Causes Absence Of Bleeding After Having Cytotec Abortion Pill?
Abortion pills should be taken under supervision.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
Abortion pills should always be taken under supervision of a doctor or an expert.
Sometimes it may cause severe bleeding, infection and retained product of conception.
Before taking abortion pills she should go for ultrasonography pelvis to see the exact week and site of pregnancy.
There are two type of abortion pills one which cause detachment of product from uterine wall ( mifepristone )and other cause expulsion of product( Cytotec).
In her case dosing of drug is not proper and she took only Cytotec.
Now the only option for her is to wait and watch for expulsion of product.
If she fails to expel then you should consult a gynaecologist and get her ultrasonography test( pelvis )done.
Hope I have answered your query if you have further questions I will be happy to help you.
Good luck.
Dr. Richa
Advice below.
Detailed Answer:
Nice to see you again.
Day 1 mifeprstone 200microgram orally in morning.
Day 3 mesoprostol 200mg. twice daily for 2 days orally or vaginally.
Bleeding starts after mesoprostol tablet.
Hope this will help you.
Good luck.
Wait and watch.
Detailed Answer:
When mifepristone and methotrexate are not available then dose of mesoprostol as follow-
Mesoprostol 800 microgram vaginally repeated every 24 hrs. upto three doses.
Now in my opinion in your case you have to wait.
If abortion process does not start then contact your doctor.
Hope this will help you.
If you want to ask more questions feel free to ask.
If you want to close the discussion then please accept my answer and rate it accordingly.
Dr. Richa