What Causes Acute Interstitial Nephritis?

Acute Interstitial nephritis
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
I'm Dr. Shuba Hariprasad and will be answering your query today.
There is no Acute intestinal nephritis.
I believe you mean Acute Interstitial nephritis OR Acute Intestinal necrosis.
Based on your query I believe it is the former - Acute Interstitial nephritis.
This is commonly associated with an allergic or immune response to certain groups of medications such as antibiotics, certain pain medication and Proton pump inhibitors (given for your primary problem-gastritis, H. Pylori).
Did they say you have acute Interstitial nephritis? The treatment is to withdraw the offending drug and symptomatic relief, if required.
Acute intestinal necrosis is a medical and surgical emergency which involves the cutting of blood supply to parts of your intestine which can die and cause serious complications if not treated soon enough.
I recommend that you stay well hydrated and if you notice any reduction in the quantity of you urine, or passing reddish or blood stained urine, have any abdominal pain, fever see your doctor right away.
I hope I've answered your query.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Wish you well.
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

Sorry for not replying sooner
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up.
Gastroparesis is when the food moves slowly through the stomach and intestines. There are many causes like diabetes, VAGAL nerve damage due to surgery, multiple sclerosis but sometimes there is no known cause.
-do you have any history of surgeries?
-any family history of similar problems?
Metformin causes diarrhea as a side effect. Did your doctor say why he insists on giving you metformin, Inspite on the diarrhea?
-Have you tested your post Prandial glucose levels (2hrs after a main meal)?
-could you describe your stools, frequency, timing (after meals, for instance and how long after meals) , consistency, color, quantity (approx.), with or without mucus, any undigested food particles? If it seems oily?
- Have you seen a gastroenterologist? (specialist for these kind of problems)
-what are these 12 medications you are taking? Please tell me the names, dosage and the duration for which you are taking them.
-did they perform a biopsy of the colon while they did the colonoscopy or of the stomach or small intestine during the endoscopy?
Long term use of Proton pump inhibitors (like those used for gastritis & H. Pylori) can also cause digestion problems due to reduced acid production which is required for processing the food and moving it through the intestine.
I agree with you about medications given for another medicine, especially when there are alternative medications to control it.
However, diarrhea due to metformin will stop once the drug has been withdrawn.
Since it still continues, there has to be another cause.
Also, do you mean to say that you had food items that you had on the Saturday and Sunday, prior to the colonoscopy still in your stomach or did they say that the liquids you were having was still there?
And is there any mention of the pylorus of the stomach in the endo scope report?
Please mention the endoscopy report and colonoscopy report.
I know how frustrating and trapped you feel. I sincerely hope to do my best to provide some answers that will help you.
Please get back to with detailed clarifications to the questions I asked above (I Know I asked so many but I am trying to understand what exactly is going on).
In the meantime :
-stay well hydrated
-avoid caffeine, sugar and carbonated drinks and milk as these worsen diarrhea
-fiber should be consumed in moderation. This can worsen then digestive process when your intestine is already affected
-request for a stool test to check for parasites or infection.
-probiotics In moderation. Not too much.
-maintain a food dairy of anything and everything you eat or drink and see which items worsen your symptoms.
There may be food items that you tolerated well previously but may be allergic to now like gluten or milk.
Avoid these culprit food groups one at a time and see how your symptoms vary (gluten, nuts, seafood especially shell fish, dairy, and poultry).
Hope this helps. I expect to hear back from you.
Wish you well
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

My GP Dr has not given me a reasonable answer as to why he insists I take the Metformin instead of another form of Medici e that is easier on my digestive track.
My medicines I am taking now are...
Loratidine..10mg 1 X daily for approximately 5 years.
Cymbalta..30mg 2 once daily for approx. 7 years. For depression and Fibromyalgia.
Lamictal...200mg 200 mg 1 X daily for approx. 7 years
Atorvastatin..40mg 1 X daily for maybe 12 years
Topamax..200mg 1x daily for prevention of migraines for about 10 years
Omeprazole (Prilosec) 20mg 1x daily acid reflux for 12 years
Levetiracetam 500mg 1 am 1 pm as needed for migraines < 1 year as needed
Valsartan (Diovan) 80mg 1 X daily for blood pressure about 3 years after chest pains in 2013 and heart catherization and all showed ok, it was how I was taking my Omeprazole. Changed to taking it at bedtime and symptoms went away.
Clonazepam..1mg 2 @ bedtime for depression for 10 years
Metaxalone..800mg 1 X 8 hours as needed for migraines and back pain. Only PRN
FluticasonePropionate Nasal Spray 1 puff each nostril 1 X daily for allergies
Promethazine (Phenergan) 25mg 1 X 4-6 hours as needed for nausea with migraines
Tramadol..50mg 2 every 8 hours PRN ( I do not take these as they do not help)
Rizatriptan..10mg 1@onset of migraine..repeat another in 2 hours if needed...not to exceed 2 in 24 hours.
Metformin..2000mg @ bedtime for diabetes STOPPED will not take again
VentolinHFA 90mcg per actuation..2 puffs per actuation to help wheezing during asthma episodes as needed.
Virtussin A/C..1 teaspoon every 4-6 hours as needed for cough when bronchitis or sinuses flair up.
I do not take these all the time. The pain pills as little as possible and the regular ones are marked once a day, or twice a day. Some I feel I have taken too long. I have asked my GP Dr to go over my meds with me and let's see if we can possibly change some of them or eliminate some. He just goes back to my diabetic meds and overlooks my concerns.
Yes I have a gastroenterologist treating me for my digestive issues. She seems like a very knowledgable Dr and very kind but I still feel lost. She tells me to talk to my GP Dr about my diabetic meds. That's why I have chosen to discontinue any diabetic meds until my gastro issues are solved. I can eat smart and control my sugar levels without meds, I want my stomach and digestive tract issues solved as best they can be. I see on TV now taking Prilosec can cause damage to you stomach, kidneys and liver. Which all affect your sugar levels in your body and not just your pancreas. I've lost from 214 pounds to 170 buy altering my diet and the sever diarrhea I've had. The majority of it since March. No sugars, no sodas, no carbs, veggies and limited fruits, and trying so hard to keep my sugar checks at home to around or less than 100. I've brought my A1C from 7.3 to 6.3 in 30 days. I was scheduled for my colonoscopy on Wednesday so I started on Sunday night to prep for it with clear liquids, wasn't prepped and it couldn't be done on Wednesday as I still had solid pieces of stool when I went to the bathroom. The same week on Friday I had my endoscopy and continued my liquid diet, which just consisted of only water. When my procedure was done, the Dr found solid pieces of food still in my stomach. Thus the diagnosis for the gastroparesis.
I drink water all the time. No fruit juices, I can't tolerate the acidity in them right now and trying not to add the sugars. No carbonated soft drinks, no artificial sweeteners as I don't care for the bitterness of their tastes. Nothing seems to be worse than another except for acidic foods.
My stools are very watery, dark and it's hard to see the actual stool because of the amount of water that comes out when I go. It's not as frequent as it was, it's not a regular basis now. It's one of those things that's unpredictable, and when it hits, I have to go and there is no holding it or controlling it, that's why I am afraid to leave home. There are no for warnings. When I can see it, sometimes it light in color and it floats. Or it's light in color and sinks. There is no regularity to it. Nothing I can tell my Dr so she can say well it's this or this.
If I have omitted answering any of your questions I apologize in advance. I tried to go back and forth from your letter and answer them as I responded to yours and cover each question. No stool sample has been taken that I am aware of. I know the 3 day prep I did for my colonoscopy did not clean me out well this time either.
If you need further answers please ask. If you can ask an endocrinologist about a good medicine for my diabetes, that would be wonderful. I'd be so grateful. If not I understand. I asked my pharmacist and he said it was a good medicine, but not for me if my body can't tolerate it.
Thank you, Dr. Shuba XXXXXXX
Very sorry for the delayed reply
Detailed Answer:
Am very sorry for the late reply.
I ve gone through your detailed response and clarifications.
You definitely are taking too many meds especially for migraine and rhinitis.
-did you have allergies/runny nose to start with or did they start or worsen after you started taking meds for migraine.
-did you have CT scan done. When did your migraines start?
Some medications like Lamictal, levetiracetam, atorvastatin, clonazepam can cause diarrhea as a side effect as well..
I absolutely agree with you about taking too many medications and it is high time that your GP helps you adjust the number of medications to suit your current needs.
If he doesn't, try to find another GP.
Long term use of these medications can cause subtle but chronic disturbances such as gastritis and even Gastroparesis.
All medications must be revised as to whether you need all of them.
-Have they planned another colonoscopy and endoscopy? If the food items hindering view, then you should be admitted, given enemas to clean your colon and put on intravenous fluids. We must find out why this is happening.
I would be happy to help you with the diabetic medications but although I can make suggestions, it has to be a continued personal care by a person who can assess you and monitor significant parameters.
Changing diabetic medications will need close monitoring as frequent testing to adjust drug and dose especially when there are other conditions and associated medications with which interaction may occur.
Insulin injections are safe and effective but if you control with diet, it is enough. Same goes for cholesterol (atorvastatin).
I urge you to insist on a revamped treatment or find a doctor who will help you as I believe that your medications (all out together) are doing more damage than help.
It is beyond my scope to do this online and necessitates, as mentioned earlier, a more one on one approach with close monitoring.
I hope I've been helpful and will be happy to help you with anything else.
Wish you good health.
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

Thank you for getting back to me with you answers. My Loratidine, and allergy meds are from years of seasonal allergies and at one time I was taking weekly shots for my allergies and was retested and had grown an immunity to some of them and so I was able to stop the injection but still take the Loratidine, have the nasal spray, I am a slight asthmatic, hence the inhaler, which I very rarely use but do have allergies to pine pollen in the spring, somethings during the summer like cut grass and ragweed in the fall. I have also tolerated the other meds well as far as no issues with the diarrhea until I was prescribed the Metformin in February. That's when all my gastrointestinal issues began. I followed up with my GP Dr in March and he prescribed the Bydureon injections once a week and didn't tell me to continue one 500mg Metformin daily. Then when I consulted through email with his nurse and she talked with him, regarding the diarrhea that's when I found out I was to have been taking the Metformin along with the Bydureon injections.
I know he is not going to be happy with knowing I haven't been taking the Xigduo XR 10-500 Extended Release and the (Questran) Cholestyramine Light 4GM/Dose Oral Powder to help curb the diarrhea. Again I ask why give me a drug we already know I can't tolerate in my digestive tract, which I am having issues in, and have to give me a second drug to aid with the first drug?
I watched what my father went through taking one pill for high blood pressure that caused him to have other health issues that his GP wrote him more prescriptions for that caused his blood pressure to elevate even more so his blood pressure meds were increased in dose so more meds were prescribed and it just went on and on.
I feel like I am reliving what he went through. I wonder sometimes if I need the blood pressure meds, the cholesterol meds, all the migraine meds, all the diabetic meds the dr wants me to take, and all the antidepressants I am taking.
I am bi-polar and suffer from PTSD from being a survivor of incest and molestation as a child. From the age of 4-16. I have good days and bad days and horrible days. Nightmares. I see a therapists, the same one for over 23 years and he is wonderful, but not licensed to write prescriptions. I had a licensed psychologist to see me and discuss my issues to a certain extent and prescribe what she felt I needed, but I can't see her anymore due to changes in coverage areas with my insurance coverage area.
If you could suggest a diabetic medicine I could inquire about to my dr and see if he thinks it may be a good one, since he insists on me taking one, I'd be so grateful. I'm going to try and not have to take one at all. I want to continue to control it with my diet and exercise. I can't get him to stay in the exam room long enough to carry on a chat with me about my meds. And I dislike that in a physician. The dr I had prior to him, left to be a hospitalist and he was such a patient Dr. Now I am stuck with this one. I've asked to be changed within the same facility but I don't know if they will do that. I may have to leave all together. I want an M.D. and not a P.A. or N.P.. I don't mind seeing them in a matter of a coLd or a sinus infection, but in my shape now, I need an M.D. With specific specialties.
I look forward to your reply. God Bless
And yes I have had a CT and MRI done for my migraines with clear results on both tests. No issues were found to be causing them. I have been having migraines for approximately 40 years. They starting requiring medical attention after my second child was born in 1991. I would have to go to the ER and get a shot to relieve them. Normally a shot of Demerol and go home to bed for a day or two and then they would be gone, but my head would be sore for a couple of days afterwards. So for about 23 years they have been getting worse. Last October and November I had one that seemed to not go away at all. I think I went to the Drs office 5-6 times for injections of toradol, (which may as well been water) it did nothing to help and I told them that. But that's all I could get.
No other endoscopy or colonoscopy has been planned at this time. I have stopped taking my Omeprazole, and my daily 81mg aspirin. My acid reflux has returned since I have been off the Omeprazole since early April. I am beginning to have to watch what I eat as far as acidity and spices, as well as sweets, carbs and soon I'll be down to broths and water.
Might as well put me in jail with bread and water. The only thing I really want to eat is something cold to soothe my esophagus and stomach. I don't know what my gastro doctor has planned. I received a clear report on the polyps removed from my colonoscopy, praise God.
I took Naproxen for approx 7 years for Bursitis in my right shoulder until my GP at the time finally gave me a shot of Cortisone and then my left shoulder began bothering me and my GP had left, I had a new Dr who was more focused on my Cholesterol than any other issue I had and kept pumping me full of Crestor, and he is the Dr I left that practice for and went to the excellent GP I had until he left to be a hospitalist.
I was sent to a pain management Dr due to degenerative disc in my lower back with arthritis and given shots of cortisone and they helped enormously and the last one I received last October has worked through now. I can't vacuum or walk for long periods of time, but I have no pain as severe as I did. I am able to dust my house and walk around in my yard and enjoy life some, if it wasn't for the issues with my stomach.
I have considered consulting an endocrinologist but there isn't one within my physician group, so I'd had to have a referral and I don't know how upset my GP would get sending me out to be cared for out from under his wing. I don't really care, I need the best treatment available to me, but at this point I want to solve the issues with my digestive tract first and foremost. Cancer is very prevalent on my fathers side of the family and my sister has had 2 bouts of colorectal cancer and now wears a colostomy bag and I want to prevent that if I can befor it reaches that point. I was with her when she went through her second round, radiation, chemo, her surgery, the newness of the bag and the depression. My father and his 6 siblings had one form of cancer or another. None died from it but they had it. Including stomach cancer. That's why it's so important to me to get my digestive pumps going and get my stomach emptied so my dr can look around in there and see everything. Even if they have to pump it clean. I understood her to say my colon was clean enough she could see it well enough it looked good except for the polyps she removed and they came back benign, but wants to repeat it in 3 years.
Please see below
Detailed Answer:
Hello Ms. XXXX,
Please forgive my delayed reply.
I've read through your reply and I am deeply sorry for the loss of your father and childhood.
It is horrible and traumatizing seeing a parent suffer.
I completely understand how the incest would have and is still affecting you.
You must have heard this before but it is not your fault, although it feels like it.
Family members are people who can be taken for granted to provide you with love, support and protection. When that goes wrong, you tend to find reasons and even excuses for them, including blaming yourself.
The only way out is to deal with it head on. It wasn't, isn't and will never be okay for that to happened and you can't be expected to act as if nothing happened.
Talking about what happened, even your feelings of guilt and shame will help you understand the situation more.
Even time doesn't heal some scars, reduces the pain, maybe, but scars remain.
Medications will only suppress the natural healing process. And some of these medications can do more harm than good. Of course if you have symptoms of severe depression, you may need medical support for a while but PTSD needs more therapy and cognitive healing than medications.
Please know that you will never be alone in this.
Now about your medical queries:
- there are different classes of antidiabetic medications but as all are to be taken orally, episodes of drastically fluctuating glucose levels may occur with Gastroparesis. (with varying levels of absorption).
Glimeperide, sitagliptin are some of the other anti diabetic meds. They also have side effects, usually well tolerated but with an underlying condition of Gastroparesis can be challenging to treat.
I understand your concern about treating the digestive symptoms first.
-long term use of antihistamine and omeprazole themselves can contribute to alterations in digestion and intestinal motility.
-about the endoscopy, did they rule out any pylori obstruction (there is a valve between the stomach and small intestine which can carrot down or get blocked and prevent food from going through)?
-I recommend a stool analysis to check for any infection or parasites
-you can definitely eat something cold, not too cold but cool enough for you to find relief. (as cold as a 200ml cup of water with 1 large ice cube, Not colder than that)
-Why have you stopped taking aspirin? (due to the gastritis). Are you on any other blood thinners?
Blood thinners prevent clots that lead to stroke and heart attacks.
Yes, you are right to dislike a physician who is off handed and doesn't offer to address all your concerns. Please don't hesitate to demand what you deserve. It doesn't matter what others think.
You have a right to the best treatment you can get.
Cancer is scary but heart disease, diabetes and renal failure causes more fatalities than cancer. As you have a strong family history, you can be careful and apply preventive care as your gastroenterologist rightly prescribed.
I have a 71 yr old lady with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), h. Pylori (treated but not confirmed with repeat biopsy or blow test) and gastritis. She also has hypertension.
She is not too fond of medicines. She needed 2months of pantoprazole with strict diet modifications. She was okay for a while after she had a relapse of IBS and gastritis (after being tempted to eat a sumptuous meal with potatoes and shell fish).
She needed meds for two weeks but then her IBS was not completely controlled.
I referred her to a homeopathic doctor who took a complete history and was able to treat her over a course of 6months.
She is now completely of allopathic medications, except for the occasional flare up. Finding a good homeopath is the task though,but may well be worth it.
I urge you to make sure you don't take unnecessary medications after consulting your doctor or a new one. If you can control you cholesterol and sugar with diet and mild to moderate exercise, that will be great which in turn will help with help your depression.
Please do not strain too much, take a walk whenever you can. Don't lift anything heavy, or make sudden movements like turning or bending.
Can hurt you back (more so with degenerative disc disease).
Hope this helps.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Once again, please accept my apologies for the late reply. Have an ongoing family crisis (getting better).
Best wishes,
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

I am so sorry to hear you are having family issues. I will keep you in my prayers for everything to soon work out for the best and resolve themselves. It is always hard when families have difficult times, I have experienced that all my life. Struggles within a family should never be an issue. There are enough struggles and hard times in this world. The one place we should all feel safe and have all the love and support is within our family.
I typed up a reply to you after receiving your reply above answering your questions and I'm not sure what happened to it. I sent it but I don't know where it went.
I stopped taking the aspirin because I was scheduled to have the endoscopy and colonoscopy to reduce any chance of bleeding if any polyps were removed or any bleeding occurred during the procedures it would be at a minimum.
I did test positive for the H. Pylori infection at my endoscopy and was on antibiotics and Prevacid for two weeks, I've taken the blow test and it came back negative for pylori infection now. So I have to see my Gastrointestinal Dr this Wednesday to see what my next step is in the process of my gastro issues.
I see my GP Dr the 27 and I know he will try to prescribe some form of diabetic medicine with Metformin in it, but I am going to refuse it because he wants me to take Xigduo XR 10/500 once a day plus Questran Light 4gml Dose Oral Powder to counter act the Metformin. Why do you right a prescription for someone to write another prescription to counteract part of the first prescription? That makes no common sense at all. I watched my Fathers Dr do that to him for years. Add another medicine which complicated this medical issue he had so he had to add another pill or up the dose on this medicine and on and on. I do not want to continue taking pill after pill and have to take one to stop the effects of another. I won't do it. I can not tolerate Metformin, he is well aware of it and so therefore I feel like he can prescribe me another medicine that can help with my diabetes or I will just go out in the field and eat grass with the cows and that can be my diet. LOL I just won't be like my Father and take pill after pill when I know a lot of my conditions I can control with my diet. I have been for 3 months now.
I hope you get this letter. I hope and pray things are better for you and your family now. Thank you for all your help and suggestions and I will let you know what my Dr tells me Wednesday.
Sending Blessings to You and Your Family.
Hope you feel better
Detailed Answer:
Thank you so much for your empathetic thoughts & words. I completely agree with you.
I've been trying to reply to this since morning, keeps getting reset.
Anyway, I would like to clarify a few more things.
- the endoscopy report - except for the H. Pylori, was everything else normal (the pylorus and the gastroduodenal junction) ? Were there any ulcers?
-how are your symptoms of diarrhea?
-how are your cholesterol levels?
Please talk to your gastroenterologist (due to presence of gastritis) and cardiologist about continuing blood thinners to help minimize risk for blood clots.
I sincerely hope you feel better and please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Please let me know how your doctor's appointment goes.
Wish you well.
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

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