What Causes An Eustachian Tube Block?
I have otitis externa after feeling like a clog or moisture was stuck in the ear. for 2 days had mild to more intense symptoms. also the inner ear to nose (eurachian tube). is closed
i have tried a variety of solutions to releave symptoms. which have aggrevated it to being inflamed today. used:
salt water. hydrogen peroxide. olive oil. a ear cleansing spray. an ear cleansing pump.
the doctor has prescribed. TCA 0.1% sour eardrups. as well as a nose spray with xylometazoline (hydrochloride).
the drups are recommended to be used 3x3 droos a day with a cotton cloth keeping it in the ear at night with the drops.
what can be done. do I need steroids as well?
You may need steroids
Detailed Answer:
It looks like from your symptoms that the block is more and you may need steroids for the same.
The most common cause for an eustachian tube block is a common cold and generally this lasts for 3-5 days and recovers on its own.
Please continue the drops prescribed by your doctor and take steam for five minutes 2-3 times a day as this will also help open the tube.
For my patients having more trouble i also prescribe antihistaminics like cetrizine 10mg at night as this will reduce the secretions and help them feel better. For persistent or severe cases I prescribe a short course of steroids which has dramatic results and generally they feel beeter within a day or two.
Please discuss this with your ent doctor and let me know if you have any other doubts.
Take care