What Causes Bleeding From Rectum?
Hemorrhoids are most probable reason of such symptoms.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
What you have noticed on your underwear is blood and mucus. The source of both is in your rectum. The most probable reason are hemorrhoids. This condition direct reason is veins enlargement in the rectal area. It can be caused by constipation, bad diet (low fiber intake), pushing hard on stool, weighting heavy objects. Pregnancy can also cause hemorrhoids.
Once such hemorrhoid appears, it can not be completely healed without removing it. But there is a way to improve hemorrhoids condition. To do that you should:
- increase fiber rich products and start fiber supplementation
- wash you rectum after every stool
- do not push hard on stool
- use OTC suppositories for hemorrhoids for 5-7 days
- have sitz baths with Oak Bark twice a day for 5-7 days
Such treatment usually helps with mentioned symptoms.
There is one more thing. Please note that over the age of 50, the risk of colon cancer rises. That is why every person over this age should have colonoscopy done every 10 years. Symptoms like yours can be sometimes caused by rectal cancer. That is why, no matter if the mentioned treatment will help or not, you should have colonoscopy done.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.