What Causes Blood In Stool?
Needs work up if symptoms recur. Blood per rectum always to be evaluated
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. With a single episode of blood in stools mimicking diarrhea is likely innocuous and can be ignored but if it is recurrent then it needs work up like colonoscopy and digital rectal examination and other baseline work up like coagulopathy profile etc to sort out the blood per rctum cause.
With history of diabetes, prostate cancer and radiation exposure, Probability of diabetic gastroparesis and radiation colitis and age related colonic function decline all make the symptom of blood in stools worth assessing and evaluating. if you get one more episode of blood in stools go to your doctor let them work you up and sort out the cause.
Meanwhile dietary modifications, plenty fiber and fluids and good bowel habits will make sure your bowel stay healthy.
I hope it helps. take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.